Was trying to cheer myself up last nite by reading this Calvin and Hobbes Digest.
The imaginative, rambunctious six-year old is anyone but whose hair I would like to ruffle; but the kid sure knows how to cause your sides to burst. His “stuffed” tiger, Hobbes, helps him, in no small measure, in adding to the laughs.
Between running around throwing snowballs at the red-haired Susie, spouting vocabulary that would do a GRE aspirant proud, making his parents grit their teeth in frustration, to regularly churning out atrociously bad test-papers at school (much to the chagrin of his teacher, Miss Wormwood), to forming a G.R.O.S.S. (Get Rid Of Slimy Girls) club(which has only two members-himself and Hobbes), to trying to be good around Christmas time to get more gifts (and failing miserably in both endeavors), Calvin sure is one dotty kid.
His (mis)adventures are many—getting roughed up by the school bully, Moe; being hauled to the bath by his long-suffering mom; the “ignominy” of his “superior genius self” having to go to school; his perceived unfairness of having parents who are “staid” and aliens for teachers(gasp); and failing to bully his babysitter even one iota.
This mad hatter has his hands full, and never fails to let us know that he is a prodigy caught in an ordinary world, and plagued by lesser mortals like his parents, teachers, classmates, neighbors, and pets.
Join the Calvin and Hobbes fan site here, if you want.
And get yourself one of those enjoyable digests.
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