Friday, September 29, 2006

Pathetic Pickpockets

Evertime, we read articles / stories, which have a moral at the end
So, this time, I thought of doing something different --
I'm putting the moral first: “don’t carry your world in your wallet.”
A colleague learnt this lesson the hard way.
The chap had gone to the nearby mosque to offer his daily prayers.

Since he was inside a place of worship, he thought he and his wallet wee both at peace
However, as ill-luck would have it, a petty pickpocket decided to show the agility of his nimble fingers.
One moment is all that the thug took.
As the heads of the congregation went down in one fluid movement, the cut-purse’s fingers went about doing what they do best.
The unsuspecting victim rose along with the rest of the worshippers, and returned.
It was only some minutes later that he realized the lightness of his back-pocket.
Were only some of the emotions he went through.
Upon hurrying back to the mosque, he could just see a multitude, who were on their way to resume whatever work they had left incomplete, in order to offer prayers to the Supreme
Questions to some who had assembled around him, were answered with stony looks, sullen stares, glares—in other words, not one helpful soul was to be found (though there were quite a few unwanted onlookers).
The trip to the nearby police station was equally frustrating—as many as three letters had to be written by him (which I am sure, would find their way to the waste-paper basket, sooner or later).
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the F.I.R. was lodged.
The gruff policemen on duty, however, would not say how much time the matter would take (whether the pickpocket would be found in the first place also, was pretty vague).
Phone calls to the credit card companies (whose cards were also present in the now-absent wallet), were next in order.
They had to be pleaded with to block all the cards.
They were slightly more co-operative.
After finishing the numerous calls, reality sunk in for him.
Most probably, his wallet (with or without the odd ten or so hundred-rupee notes) will never make a reappearance in his life.
Ditto for his credit cards, ATM car(s), and any other pictures, memorabilia, visiting cards, he may have had inside it.
The pickpocket would merrily use the money, try to use the credit cards at maybe a shop, or two, and upon finding them blocked, and hence of no value whatsoever to him, fling them contemptuously.
The question is, are we safe from crime, anywhere? Be it any sort of crime?
I guess, we are vulnerable anywhere in the world.
It could be eve-teasing (from a ribald comment, to a furtive pinch), murder, rape, burglary, embezzlement, anything…
Meanwhile, for the colleague, (fruitless) visits to the police station, and / or phone calls will continue….

Here come the c(r)abs

Love them, or hate them, but you just can’t do without cabs.

Agreed, that you are quite a pro at zipping around town in your hot pair of wheels, but you can’t take them everywhere.

Say, you have a flight to catch, and attend a meeting with the company’s head honchos, as soon as you alight.(Of course, I don’t mean at the airport, silly. I mean at the office).

So you have three ways to reach the airport: a) Request (and if that doesn’t work, plead with) a friend / sibling / cousin to give you a free ride (works more if you happen to be the fairer sex) b) Take a chug-chugging green and yellow monstrosity(often referred to as an auto) – if you turn up your pretty nose at this humble three-wheeled vehicle, then that brings you to option c) Hail(or more often) dial a cab.

So you press the number on your mobile, haggle with the guy on the other side about the fare, and soon (?), a taxi arrives on your doorstep. Or maybe, you flag one down the street (this works best for those who believe in traveling light, not for me, who packs her entire world into a suitcase that threatens to pop-open at any minute).

What follows next is beggaring description.

To cut a long story short, you sit huddled in the cab, your heart in your mouth, seeing concrete jungles, children, beggars, other automobile drivers, trees, temples, and shops, go whizzing by
You, in spite of being a confirmed atheist, murmur a silent prayer.

It seems to you that the cab driver is either a Formula 1 racer (in disguise, of course), or probably sitting on a pile of hot coals, and driving.

What else could be the reason for his mad need for speed?

Oh oh – it could also be, that he is a sadist, who is getting intense pleasure from seeing your obvious discomfort.

To make sure that he is not silently laughing at you, you open one of your tightly-closed eyes, and take a quick peek into the rear-view mirror. No such luck – the bloke looks as if he is in one of your trance parties, oblivious to everyone around him.

Trying to appear nonchalant, you muster up enough courage to ask him (good naturedly, of course), if he minds not pressing on the accelerator pedal so much.

There is a screech, the car halts, and the cab guy looks behind at you, a sneer and a question plastered all over his face.

Now an unpleasant argument is the last thing you want at that time
You cast a quick look at your watch – you have to board your flight in the next 30 minutes
Hastily, you ask him to resume his (insane – this to yourself) driving, and settle back in the backseat, albeit shuderingly.

20 minutes later, a shaken you is deposited at the airport.
You check for broken bones, and upon finding none, marvel.
(Also start thinking that there IS a God up there).

End of story..?

With the number of BPOs, KPOs, e-learning solutions companies, and numerous other business outfits that provide conveyance to employees, how can you be left in peace?

Things get worse if it ain't feasible for you to drive to work everyday.

So there starts your daily relationship with workplace cabs.

Cab drivers are notoriously reckless, weaving in and out of traffic, causing endless worry to motorists, pedestrians, and their own passengers alike.
They toot horns at places where they aren’t supposed to (read schools, hospitals, etc.) – you would think that they were born with a loudly-honking horn apiece.
But when they are taking dangerous turns, or crossing T-points, they stubbornly refuse to honk
As far as indicators are concerned, hey, aren’t those for idiots?
Swerve to the left, swerve to the right, heck, swerve anywhere, who needs indicators anyway, that is their motto.

Speed definitely thrills – no matter how weather-beaten their cab, they have this inordinate hunger for speed, and insist on racing with any and everyone, overtaking all those who “dared” to compete with them.

Music is of course, de-rigueur.
So, they “let the music play.”

And some music it is, definitely.
With various radio stations spoiling the listeners for choice, the cab drivers are experts on changing different stations, and putting those numbers, that you completely detest.
All your pleas for reducing the volume, or changing the odious number, fall on deaf ears, and you settle back into the backseat, a look of resignation writ large on your face.

You hang on for dear life, imagining gory scenes of accidents, corpses, and collissions (shudder)
Finally, you arrive on your doorstep, completely exhausted(not with the day’s work, but from the one-hour traumatic drive).

The day draws to a close, and you are comfortably ensconced at home, sipping your evening cuppa.

Tomorrow is another day.

Dekhi jayegi!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Of (Soul) Sisters, with hearts of gold...

Will keep this one really short...

So I just got a mail from my fave cousin
She lives in the southern part of the country(which I would be visiting next month - Wheeeee)

I've been telling her that I would be posting something about her(at least that ensures that she is a regular visitor to my blog) tee hee.

Just a little vote of thanks to her, and to all the(soul) sisters and women friends I have, scattered all over the country(and some beyond).

You gurlz just rock! I mean it.


Thursday Thoughts...

Having read about murders, demolition drives, hostile witnesses, and wayward politicos this entire week in the newspapers, I was glad to see a pleasant headline.
“Another Indian movie going to the Oscars this year.”

Let’s wait and see whether it fares any better than those that preceded it.

Meanwhile let’s hope for the best.

Was just thinking that the Indian film industry has come a long way indeed.

As one of my colleagues says, "Good job"(in a cross between a Texan and Kansas twang).

I’m been meaning to watch Deepa Mehta’s “Water,” but just haven’t got around to seeing it.

Watched quite a few flicks this month and the last—they were a mixed lot, from the amazing, to bordering on the average, to those that I would have had rather not spent a penny on.

Most of them were at various multiplexes, dotted in the city.

A dwindling bank balance made it essential to keep my expensive diversion at bay – at least till the next month.

Waiting for the Metro to come to the part of the city that I reside in.

Guessing it’s gonna be one long wait.

Visited a Doc yesterday, who’s thankfully not gone OTT with medicines.

Has prescribed a bare minimum—just one, to be exact.

Thank Gawd—I didn’t want to see more of those dreadful vials of bitter-tasting medicines, and strips of capsules, all littered at my place, adding to the already-threatening-to-burst room.

I’m not exactly a pig, but can’t say that I have an OCD for cleanliness (like my roomie, cum best friend).

The weekend’s just around the corner, so I’m visibly animated, in fact, even chirpy.

A contest on Saturday adding to my vigor.

Let’s see how I fare at it.

Good luck to me!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Does this ring a bell...?

My phone rings incessantly, much to my irritation.

Now I don't mean that I don't like receiving phone calls.

I do, in fact, I call a fair number of people myself, and am unanimously called the fastest "message-sender" among my friends too, but when, a whole truckload of consultants who are hell-bent on making you appear for that "interview that could change your life completely," to sales people who are ingratiating at first, but when you respond to their many schemes, cell-phone plans, credit-card offerings, and all and sundry offers in the negative, take just one second to become gruff, sarcastic, or downright mean, I am so much better off without their calls, thank you.

Sample this:

My cell phone, which has till now been perched on my table quietly, decides to vibrate in full splendour, scaring the shit out of yours truly(as also startling some colleagues), all of whom have been been working diligently(till now that is).

Five rings later, casting an apologetic look (to the colleagues), an irritated me picks the blessed instrument up, walking over to the pantry.

Some bloke hollers my name. I hastily assure him that it was me, myself, and I, who had answered his call.

After asking a couple of questions, he superciliously announces that he has a cell scheme for me, that will miraculously halve my montly telecommunications bill.

I thank him for his generosity, and give a speech upon my fondness for my prepaid connection
Upon my polite declining of the offer, things take a turn for the worse, as he suddenly decides that he is an out-of-job CBI interrogator, taking upon himself the honor(?)/the privilege(??), to question me(a tad suspiciously), as to why I was turning down the fab / great / astounding offer(adding some more superlative adjectives for his scheme, which I don't care to mention).

Things become nastier, when I express a strong desire that he disconnect the line pronto, all the while shaking my shampoo-ed hair, and thinking of the work that lay before me, waiting to be completed.

The bloke on the other side becomes more and more aggressive, and I can just barely restrain myself from using some colorful language.

I snap at him and coldly ask him to disconnect the line.

He's still selling his scheme, when my patience runs out, I count 1-2-3, and hang up.

I take a deep breath, look around the pantry, practise a couple of composed expressions, and return to my workstation.

The unfinished work, which has been staring up at me, puts its accusing finger down, and I resume my work...

Peace was just not meant to be, because before 5 minutes had lapsed, my workstation table shuddered again...

Resigned to my fate, I whisper a "Hello" into the mouthpiece. An effervescent, female voice dramatically asked me if I was interested in a credit card by a reputed bank. Thankfully, she knew N-O when she heard it.

I hung up in a huff, and immersed myself in work, yet again.

The next one hour sawa string of phone calls in quick succession: a woman yelling at me for giving her blank calls(as if I have nothing better to do. Bah!), two job consultant who had not even bothered to go through my CV carefully, and wanted me to teach Linux and do Chartered Accountancy, respectively, a crank caller(who probably was getting some kicks in life by calling and breathing deeply from the other end of the phone, but not uttering a single syllable), and a sales person who had another scheme-buy two fire extinguishers, get the third free.

After I very earnestly told the last chap that I already had a fire extinguisher, and thus extinguished his call, I decided, this was it, and switched off the source of all my misery.

Two blissful hours passed, and then I started getting some niggling thoughts...

What if my parents were trying to get in touch with me?

What if my friends wanted to update me about the evening plans?

What if my brother was trying to call me, with glad tidings that the perfume I had set my eyes upon, had been bought by him, and when did I want to meet him?

A couple of other "what ifs" also crossed my mind, and then I decided that I should switch on the phone.

Another deep breath, and I switched it on.


More silence.

But before I could flash my Cheshire cat grin, the phone vibrated yet again......

No prizes for guessing....

Another salesguy offering yet another credit card.

I disconnected,

and buried my head in my hands...

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

After a lazy lunch...

Just taking a break from work...
Between searching for articles on power generated by Moo Poo(bovine dung) and writing upon solar energy, hybrid cars, culverts, water quality, and other topics of the like, my day is full.
And before you think this is going to be a whining post, let me change the tone...
The evening looks upbeat, what with a shopping trip with Best Friend # 1(Am I smiling, or am I smiling?!)
Am soooo looking forward to my trip next month(why doesn't October 14 draw closer?)
Am getting partial-forgetfulness- forgot two birthdays this month - it's never happened before. Wonder why? I pressed the panic button, and called a couple of friends, who assured me that it was perfectly natural to forget sometimes. Well, that case.
What was I saying...?
Just kidding.
A job consultant called - upon my telling her that I wasn't interested, she became quite distressed. She asked, in quite a lachrymose voice, if I could refer someone.
Fearing that she may do some waterworks, I hastily gave her my thick friend's number.
Now it appears that the consultant has made umpteen calls to my friend, who just sent me an exasperated mail(tee hee) .
Had a heavy lunch; head nodding off.
Tempted to catch forty winks, but can't.
Guess it's best if I finish the stuff I had started.
Signing off now...

Monday, September 25, 2006


Ladies, this one is for you....


When I stand up for
myself and my beliefs,
they call me a
bitch. ­ ­­

­When I stand up for
those I love,
they call me a bitch. ­ ­­ ­

When I speak my mind,
think my own thoughts
or do things my own way,

they call me a bitch. ­ ­­

Being a bitch
means I won't
compromise what's
in my heart.

It means I live my life
MY way.

It means
I won't allow anyone to step on me. ­ ­­ ­

When I refuse to
tolerate injustice

and speak against it,
I am ­ ­defined as a
bitch. ­ ­­

­The same thing happens when I take time for myself
instead of being everyone's maid,
or when I act a little selfish.
It means I have the courage and strength

to allow myself to be who I truly am
and won't become anyone else's idea
of what they think I "should" be.

I am outspoken,
opinionated and determined.

I want what I want and there is nothing wrong with that! ­ ­­
­So try to stomp on me,
try to douse my inner flame,

try to squash every ounce of beauty I hold within me.
You won't succeed. ­ ­­

­And if that makes me a bitch ,
so be it.

I embrace the title and
am proud to bear it.

B - Babe ­
­I - In ­
­T - Total ­ ­
C - Control of ­ ­
H - Herself ­ ­­

­B = Beautiful ­ ­
I = Intelligent ­ ­
T = Talented ­ ­
C = Charming ­ ­
H = Hell of a Woman ­ ­­ ­

So the big question is....Are you a BITCH?

P.S. - I wish I'd written this - it leaves a pretty lasting impression, don't you think so?!

Another Manic Monday...

Just some random thoughts....
A Belgian woman found murdered in her residence, in one of the city's most posh localities(Shudder), by her driver. When will women be safe? I have this niggling doubt that the answer is "Never." The motive for the murder - the woman had fired the driver, because of his reckless driving. The guy followed the unsuspecting woman home, took a kitchen knife, and stabbed her over 25 times. Sick.

Osama Bin Laden believed to be dead after a particularly strong bout of typhoid. The reports, though yet to be confirmed, have set the entire world in a tizzy. (I'm not convinced though...)

Orlando Bloom, famous for his portrayal of Paris in "Troy," and more recently, as Will Turner in "Pirates of the Caribbean," revealed that he has a phobia of computers, and doesn't even own one. Ha! (there's still some scope for my mom then, who has this inordinate fear of computers, flying, and injections (though not in that order).

Great friend, who's shifted to Maryland, following her marriage four months back, was seething with fury that I hadn't mentioned her on moi blog - swore revenge, shed some tears(I can't verify that), and threatened to sever ties with me if I didn't mention her.
So, this is for her, "Hey babe, I miss you loads, and wish you were here in the country."
(Now that made me also reach out for the box of tissues...Sob...Sniffle).
I genuinely do miss you..loads.

There were some waterworks, because of some professional isues, thick friend(the one from whom I take advice, suggestions, tips, etc), did a fantastic job of cheering me up - Thanks sweetie! I owe you one!

It's Monday, and I'm trying my utmost to a) stay awake b) write something decent for the Corporate website (yeah, writing is my bread, butter, coffee, and wine) c) try not think of the depressing-Monday syndrome(it's already the middle of the day right now, and I haven't done a bad there).

You've gotta do, what you gotta do.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Lost World

Some months back, scientists discovered an Indonesian mountain jungle that is home to exotic bird species, frogs, butterflies and plants.

The discovery, termed a “Lost World,” is as close to the Garden of Eden as one can possibly find.
The 25-member strong team, discovered five new palms, and a giant white-flowered rhododendron with flowers 15 cm across.

I found the smoky honeyeater bird among the cutest– the patch on its eye looks like a mix between a goldfish and a scrambled egg.

The other animals were a golden-mantled kangaroo, six-wired birds of paradise, echidnas, cassowary birds, wild boars, 20 different species of frogs, and four new hitherto unknown species of butterflies.

The area, wisely kept off-limits by the Indonesian government, is now on the most prioritized list of most bird enthusiasts (me included).

Of weekends...the time that always speeds past.

So Friday and Saturday whizzed past…
The former because I was eagerly waiting for the weekend to get there.
And was sooo looking forward to putting my feet up and relaxing.
Alas! The coffee place where we usually relaxed is there no more.
What can be more unfair?!
Has been shifted to some Godforsaken place, I don’t even know the whereabouts.
What else could I say except Bah!
Saturday was sunnier (both literally and metaphorically).
Got a first-hand experience of what kids these days are like
And believe me, they are quite a handful.
So between running around with my nephews and nieces, sorting out their endless squabbles, handing around fat ice-cream waffle cones, browsing through stacks of Barbie Dolls, Hot Wheels cars, miniature superheroes, and soft-toys (shudder), I ended up with my hands full (and my wallet empty).
The evening was a "spirited" one, and I wound up home, pretty late, by my maids’ standards. (More about her some other time).
Sunday was laid-back, and was spent emptying more contents of my wallet(Ohhhh who ever said that retail-therapy comes cheap is a bugger and a damn liar!)
The evening was drawing to a mellow close, and your truly thought of dropping in a post, Just glanced at my wrist….
Arggggghhhh – it’s gonna be 8 p.m., and tomorrow is Monday (Shudder).
My Monday morning blues have begun on Sunday evening itself.
Dunno if I’ll even enjoy the dinner tonight…
Back to work tomorrow, thank God I have this blog to write upon whatever takes my fancy.
Till tomorrow comes, let me immerse myself into the bubbly, and enjoy the rest of the evening(and night).
So long then.

Friday, September 22, 2006

In memoriam: Coretta Scott King, Woman Extraordinaire, 1927 - 2006

While January 30, 2006 drew this year’s first month to a close, it also marked the demise of Coretta Scott King (78), the wife of slain Civil Rights Leader, Martin Luther King Jr. Popularly known as “matriarch of the movement,” Coretta Scott was for long considered a noted community leader and civil rights activist in her own right.

She first came into the public eye in December 1955 in the infamous Montgomery Bus Case, in which Rosa Parks, an African American seamstress and Civil Rights activist, who refused to yield her Montgomery City bus seat to a white passenger, was subsequently arrested. The people of Montgomery, under the leadership of Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta, organized a boycott of the city’s buses. The incident brought drew the attention of the world to the continued injustice of segregation in the US.

Since 1955, Coretta Scott came a long way indeed. Her role in American history brought her an iconic status, and her actions have left an impressive legacy for civil rights movements around the world. After years of strive, she succeeded in getting January 15(her husband’s birth date) marked as a national holiday. She was active at many sit-in protests to sound her opposition against apartheid, and met many leading civil rights activists, including Winnie Mandela (wife of Nelson Mandela), whom she met when she traveled to South Africa. Besides establishing the King Center, she also published her widely read memoir, “My life with Martin Luther King Jr.”

She was vocal in her opposition to Capital Punishment as also the 2003 invasion of Iraq. A strong champion of world peace, Coretta Scott was one of the founders of The Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy. She also advocated women’s rights, gay and lesbian rights and AIDS / HIV prevention. She had her share of detractors though, who openly opposed her support for gay and lesbian rights.

She breathed her last, late evening on January 30, 2006 in Mexico, where she was undergoing holistic treatment for a stroke that she suffered the year before as also for ovarian cancer. Her death has dealt an irreparable blow to civil rights activists the world over, for whom she has left an enduring legacy.

Women in Power

“Hierarchical marginalization in politics,” was a phrase often used to describe the status of women in World Politics. In other words, the higher the political position, the fewer were the women visible. Barring a few exceptions of highly visible leaders, women were for long confined to “soft” sectors of family issues, health, education, nursing and social welfare.

For a very long time, women had to content with stereotypical views about them being figures of powerlessness. Despite the characteristics of a good man and a good candidate being the same, a woman had to make an easier said than done choice between coming across as a strong leader or a good woman. The comparison was rather odious – if a man came across as assertive, rational, direct and commanding, he enhanced his value as a man; whereas if a woman appeared all these things, she risked undercutting her value as a woman.

Not any more.

The rise to power of many effectual and accomplished women Heads of State, admirably reflects the significant change from existing power structures.

From Sühbaataryn Yanjmaa, who was appointed Acting President of Mongolia in 1953, to Sirimavo Bandarnaike who was elected PM of Sri Lanka in 1960, to Isabel Martinez de Peron who succeeded as the President of Argentina in 1974 on her husband President Juan Peron's death, to President of Iceland Vigdis Finnbogadottir – the first elected woman President in 1980 in a democratic election –women have trod a long and not easy path.

Currently, we have eighteen Women Heads of State, including three monarchs. Four Heads of State were elected in the last six months (Michelle Bachelet Jeria – Chile, Portia Simpson Miller – Jamaica, Han Myung-Sook – First Woman PM of South Korea and Emily de Jough-Elhage –Netherlands-Antilles.) All of them jointly move forward in their endeavor of nullifying the evaluation by gender discriminatory eyes. It is an out and out achievement that many women like these are successful in translating mere voting power into political power.

Women leaders of today are leveling out the play field in the political arena for both men and women. They have come a long way indeed, from rocking the cradle to rocking the world.

May their tribe increase.

What's in a name...?

"What's in a name?"
Isn't that what the great Bard himself said?
Quite a lot actually....

So, I'd been planning to get cracking on my own blog.
Except that some hurdles had to first be done away with.
For one, I had to do something about my sloth, which often reminded me that I may not be up to posting on a regular basis.
After a protracted reality check, I decided that posting would not be too iffy; and probably be more than manageable, in fact, even enjoyable (more on this later) .
Once that was overcome, my creative juices (Ahem!) just refused outright to come up with a blog name that I even half-liked.
So your's truly shot-off mails to buddies, calling for entries, promising some intoxicating liquid as reward, if they came up with something that I liked ( from what I last heard, some were screaming murder that I was not giving away the promised bottle to the second and third best entries).
A firm N-O from my side seemed to not have had been the best answer, but Geez, what can you expect from the meagre salary that I draw(ok ok, I'm exaggerating-the sal's fine, but I'm loath to parting with the bubbly. Am I selfish, or am I just selfish?).
Well, the names that my pals came up with were an assorted lot:
Best friend # 1, keeping my constant craving for food in mind, suggested, "Paprikachatkaara."(Burp)
Visions of food apparated in front of me, but she also pointed out that a) quite a few people would think that this was a gourmet-blog b) some may not have the faintest clue what it meant, and c) it could be a tongue-twister, actually.
Best friend # 2 suggested,"Heli Jumbo" - according to him, I am a cross betwen a helicopter and a jumbo-jet(he can be quite truth-incompatible sometimes, so you would be wise to not take his word too seriously.
Another thick friend, from whom I glean all the latest info on a variety of topics, was pretty enthusiastic about "Yeah Write!" - Nice actually! Except that a nicer colleague said it was some software, so he(the colleague) asked if I was still keen on it.
So that went too.
Some friends refused to come up with anything, saying that I needed to talk less and think more(that made me slightly grouchy, and glad that I hadn't yet parted with the sparkling water. But I am generally sunny-natured; so despite their mean comments, and the thunder outside- yep, it's gonna rain (Yippee), I was back to normal, and ready to "think" some more).
Then I was stuck on Metallica's song, "Nothing Else Matters," but settled for posting the lyrics of the song instead.
A number of other names also cropped up, ranging from the funky, plain-vanilla ones to the riotously funny ones, and absolute howlers...
Don't think I wanna bore you with all the details; in short, have decided to stick to "Left Write and Center," and hey, here I am!
Do write. I'd love to hear from you.

Nothing Else Matters

I was introduced to this Metallica song when I was in post grad.

By someone who I loved.


But it wasn't meant to be, I s'pose. It left me numb, mute, in agonizing trauma, restless, a deep sense of betrayal and endless sweat-inducing insomnia overwhelming me like a shadow that had decided to never part. An overpowering inability to never trust or worse, LOVE anyone else, theatened me, making me teeter dangerously, swinging between bitter resentfulness and ironically, fond nostalgia, that ran a painful shaft through my throbbing chest.

And of course, with a number of unanswered queries. That I will probably never get answers to. Darn!

To come back to the post at hand, I connected almost instantly with Nothing Else Matters.

It's been almost like an anthem ever since.

I don't fancy myself a crooner, but can do a pretty decent job with this one. Like He could.

For right now, you'll have to make do with the lyrics.

Nothing Else Matters
- Metallica

So close no matter how far
couldn't be much more from the heart
forever trusting who we are
and nothing else matters

never opened myself this way
life is ours, we live it our way
all these words I don't just say
and nothing else matters

trust I seek and I find in you
every day for us something new
open mind for a different view
and nothing else matters

never cared for what they do
never cared for what they know
but I know

so close no matter how far
couldn't be much more from the heart
forever trusting who we are
and nothing else matters

never cared for what they do
never cared for what they know
but I know

never opened myself this way
life is ours, we live it our way
all these words I don't just say
and nothing else matters

trust I seek and I find in you
every day for us something new
open mind for a different view
and nothing else matters

never cared for what they say
never cared for games they play
never cared for what they do
never cared for what they know
and I know

so close no matter how far
couldn't be much more from the heart
forever trusting who we are
no nothing else matters

Don't fancy yourself a singer?
Nevermind, hear the song and see the video here.

P.S.-There have been other songs.

'Unforgiven II' comes a close second.

I am partial to 'One' and 'For Whom the Bell Tolls' too.

But one thing is for sure- Nothing appeals to me the way Nothing Else Matters does!

Hail James Hetfield.