Between searching for articles on power generated by Moo Poo(bovine dung) and writing upon solar energy, hybrid cars, culverts, water quality, and other topics of the like, my day is full.
And before you think this is going to be a whining post, let me change the tone...
The evening looks upbeat, what with a shopping trip with Best Friend # 1(Am I smiling, or am I smiling?!)
Am soooo looking forward to my trip next month(why doesn't October 14 draw closer?)
Am getting partial-forgetfulness- forgot two birthdays this month - it's never happened before. Wonder why? I pressed the panic button, and called a couple of friends, who assured me that it was perfectly natural to forget sometimes. Well, ok..in that case.
What was I saying...?
Just kidding.
A job consultant called - upon my telling her that I wasn't interested, she became quite distressed. She asked, in quite a lachrymose voice, if I could refer someone.
Fearing that she may do some waterworks, I hastily gave her my thick friend's number.
Now it appears that the consultant has made umpteen calls to my friend, who just sent me an exasperated mail(tee hee) .
Had a heavy lunch; head nodding off.
Tempted to catch forty winks, but can't.
Guess it's best if I finish the stuff I had started.
Signing off now...