Isn't that what the great Bard himself said?
Quite a lot actually....
So, I'd been planning to get cracking on my own blog.
Except that some hurdles had to first be done away with.
For one, I had to do something about my sloth, which often reminded me that I may not be up to posting on a regular basis.
After a protracted reality check, I decided that posting would not be too iffy; and probably be more than manageable, in fact, even enjoyable (more on this later) .
Once that was overcome, my creative juices (Ahem!) just refused outright to come up with a blog name that I even half-liked.
So your's truly shot-off mails to buddies, calling for entries, promising some intoxicating liquid as reward, if they came up with something that I liked ( from what I last heard, some were screaming murder that I was not giving away the promised bottle to the second and third best entries).
A firm N-O from my side seemed to not have had been the best answer, but Geez, what can you expect from the meagre salary that I draw(ok ok, I'm exaggerating-the sal's fine, but I'm loath to parting with the bubbly. Am I selfish, or am I just selfish?).
Well, the names that my pals came up with were an assorted lot:
Best friend # 1, keeping my constant craving for food in mind, suggested, "Paprikachatkaara."(Burp)
Visions of food apparated in front of me, but she also pointed out that a) quite a few people would think that this was a gourmet-blog b) some may not have the faintest clue what it meant, and c) it could be a tongue-twister, actually.
Best friend # 2 suggested,"Heli Jumbo" - according to him, I am a cross betwen a helicopter and a jumbo-jet(he can be quite truth-incompatible sometimes, so you would be wise to not take his word too seriously.
Another thick friend, from whom I glean all the latest info on a variety of topics, was pretty enthusiastic about "Yeah Write!" - Nice actually! Except that a nicer colleague said it was some software, so he(the colleague) asked if I was still keen on it.
So that went too.
Some friends refused to come up with anything, saying that I needed to talk less and think more(that made me slightly grouchy, and glad that I hadn't yet parted with the sparkling water. But I am generally sunny-natured; so despite their mean comments, and the thunder outside- yep, it's gonna rain (Yippee), I was back to normal, and ready to "think" some more).
Then I was stuck on Metallica's song, "Nothing Else Matters," but settled for posting the lyrics of the song instead.
A number of other names also cropped up, ranging from the funky, plain-vanilla ones to the riotously funny ones, and absolute howlers...
Don't think I wanna bore you with all the details; in short, have decided to stick to "Left Write and Center," and hey, here I am!
Do write. I'd love to hear from you.