A Belgian woman found murdered in her residence, in one of the city's most posh localities(Shudder), by her driver. When will women be safe? I have this niggling doubt that the answer is "Never." The motive for the murder - the woman had fired the driver, because of his reckless driving. The guy followed the unsuspecting woman home, took a kitchen knife, and stabbed her over 25 times. Sick.
Osama Bin Laden believed to be dead after a particularly strong bout of typhoid. The reports, though yet to be confirmed, have set the entire world in a tizzy. (I'm not convinced though...)
Orlando Bloom, famous for his portrayal of Paris in "Troy," and more recently, as Will Turner in "Pirates of the Caribbean," revealed that he has a phobia of computers, and doesn't even own one. Ha! (there's still some scope for my mom then, who has this inordinate fear of computers, flying, and injections (though not in that order).
Great friend, who's shifted to Maryland, following her marriage four months back, was seething with fury that I hadn't mentioned her on moi blog - swore revenge, shed some tears(I can't verify that), and threatened to sever ties with me if I didn't mention her.
So, this is for her, "Hey babe, I miss you loads, and wish you were here in the country."
(Now that made me also reach out for the box of tissues...Sob...Sniffle).
I genuinely do miss you..loads.
There were some waterworks, because of some professional isues, thick friend(the one from whom I take advice, suggestions, tips, etc), did a fantastic job of cheering me up - Thanks sweetie! I owe you one!
It's Monday, and I'm trying my utmost to a) stay awake b) write something decent for the Corporate website (yeah, writing is my bread, butter, coffee, and wine) c) try not think of the depressing-Monday syndrome(it's already the middle of the day right now, and I haven't done a bad job...so there).
You've gotta do, what you gotta do.