Wednesday, February 27, 2008

An "Escalated" Fear

For close to ten years, I have been petrified of….alright, quit smirking, ESCALATORS!

Every time I would see one, I would get a sinking feeling in my chest, and get an inordinate urge to run…in the opposite direction.

The embarrassment was crucifying.

To cover up for my sore loss of face each time I would be within a mile of one, my mind would roll into auto-mode, thinking of alternatives – all to keep from stepping up or down those frightening monstrous creatures.

It’s not that I didn’t try.

Family, friends, colleagues, juniors – all tried, on some level or the other, to trick me into getting onto one of them, all to no avail though.

It was an oft-repeated scene, the aftermath of which would leave me pink-cheeked, face a deep crimson hue, and maybe some exasperated expressions of people accompanying me.

Oh, and yes – how can I forget the amused looks that some people wore.

So while my mind would freeze upon seeing one of those moving machines, people of all ages would effortlessly step on them, and go about doing what they were doing - laughing, talking, holding hands and packets…

This, when I would marvel at their “guts” to get onto one of those mean machines, the ones which scare(d) the bejesus outta me, and which caused me to break out into a cold sweat. The alternatives were two - huff and puff my way up flights of stairs, or become a sniffer dog, on the lookout for the nearest blessing – an elevator.

The predominant fear at the back of my mind was always twofold, and never pleasant:

a) I would fall into an abyss of metal, and be maimed for life, or worse, pulverized beyond recognition
b) I would be sucked into the machine into a black chasm, with no hope of ever being with those I love

Those days were indeed blessed when the escalators at a mall or theater were turned off, making me give a wild Whoopee of joy, and bound across it, the very picture of confidence.

On all other days, my carefully-guarded face would belie the enormous distress I experienced.

So yesterday, when TOOMA suggested, yet again, that I should be a brave gal (Ha! Fat chance!), and step onto those (un)safe moving flight, my reluctance was palpable for all to see. A try at putting my foot on the shifting mechanism seemed nothing less than Herculean.

I stepped back, tears of humiliation and utter mortification glistening in my eyes. Shame-faced, I made my way to the nearby elevator, waiting for it to come to my rescue, like a faithful puppy, as it had on so many other occasions.

And then it hit me.

The strong wave of self-scorn.

With an unnatural jerk and a long stride, I clasped TOOMA’s hand, much to his surprise.

Another trip back to the horrifying machine.

Heart in my mouth, I gingerly stepped onto it. Clutching TOOMA’s hand in a death-grip, we descended….

And stepped off at the foot.

Two minutes of silence.

Thumping heartbeats, a racing pulse, and a flushed face gave away the assortment of feelings I was running through.

The sense of achievement and exhilaration that followed thereafter though, totally made it worth it.

Let me keep the ascent on an escalator for another day.

Hopefully, that shouldn’t be too difficult…Touché.

And to all the mean people who laughed at me – go ahead! Eat crow!

(Though I still think that if I were to ever land up in Hong Kong, I would give their escalators-going-up-the-side-of-mountains-and-promising-a-breathtaking-view a miss...

Aww come on! Don’t scoff. I’m only a mortal…)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

When we pushed...

Today morning had all the trappings of a perfect day.

It was not the first day of the week, so the perennial question of Monday Morning Blues did not arise at all.

Looked like a fulfilling day work-wise, so my ever runaway mind looked set not to do any devious escapism, and instead concentrate on the tasks at hand.

Working out at the gym looked promising too. What with me becoming quite a regular face and a diligent working-out sorts there.

To add to it, the sun had decided to dispel the fluffy white clouds, which till yesterday, threatened some gloomy rain.

Oh Oh Oh, and yes, it was a day closer to Saturday – the day when TOOMA* touches down at the Delhi airport. Yay! Yay! Yay!

The romantic number in my mind insisted on playing itself in my mind over and over again. For once, repetition wasn’t such a bad thing.

And then it happened!

The thin book that sat prettily on my lap shuddered, and fell. As I bent to pick it up, I sensed that the cab which was taking me to work-land, had decided to stop. And that too in the middle of one of Delhi’s busiest shopping areas. Torn between looking at the showrooms that seemed to be blinking their brightly-displayed doors at me, urging me to run into their all-welcoming embrace, and the immediate problem at hand, I had to opt for the latter, much to my compulsive-shopping utterly-crushed heart.

So two colleagues, sturdy men at that, and me, budding Sumo Wrestler, alighted from the vehicle, which after repeated trials by the driver, refused to do anything more than just splutter dejectedly. So while the driver resignedly sighed and started afresh to get the coughing engine to start, we, the tireless trio, proceeded to push the car.

And push we did. Huffing and puffing, we flexed those shivering muscles, pushing away as if there was no tomorrow. Onlookers grinned, their day undoubtedly made probably at seeing three formal-attired people, including a woman, panting and wheezing, all the while pushing at a monster car that refused to budge, closely resembling a woman caught on a particularly grouchy PMS day.

Within a couple of minutes, we realized that our efforts were as close to fruition as it is for a hydrophobic person to dive into the ocean, and decided instead to wait for the company transport authorities to swing into action.

Wise move, I’d say. Some parts of my powder-blue shirt were already close to a shade of gray.

Whatever it was, it was a thoroughly novel experience – pushing a car on the road, gaping onlookers and all.

One more thing crossed-out from my list of things to do this year.

* TOOMA – The Object of My Affection.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

It's Valentine's...

So today, we had some regular people who decided to leave everyone dazzled on account of their crimson-colored clothes.

There were yet some more who insisted on asking everyone their plans, since it was D-Day, all the while smiling knowledgeably, clutching mushy teddy bears and other furry animals of the like.

You obviously, couldn’t help but also notice how the entire world seemed to be whispering sweet nothings into willing ears, while simultaneously making coochie-coo sounds, clasping hands, and guaranteeing perfectly synced heartbeats.

And before you think this is my trademark tirade, hold your horses!

Who am I trying to kid?

It’s Valentine’s.

It’s beautiful.

It’s lovely.

It makes you melt in spite of yourself.

It’s tender.

And ohhhh, it does adoringly tug at your heartstrings.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Go ahead and win your love.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A mirror to Wikipedia - Uncyclopedia

Came across a darn interesting site. Called Uncyclopedia, it is everything that the hugely popular, Wikipedia – its online mentor, is not.

So while you have wikipedia smirking all the way over the authenticity and objectivity of its contents, and pretty much keeping a stiff upper lip over the source, you have Uncyclopedia, which yawns at the straight and narrow of its deemed-more superior-counterpart, preferring instead to rip apart every shred of truth and accuracy with its razor-edged sarcasm and biting wit.

Oh and did I mention, that it also claps its hands in visible glee and does a neat back-flip in the bargain.

While some may frown upon the site, preferring to call it ludicrous, unnecessary, nonsensical, and the like, I am sure it also has its fair share of supporters, who are not averse to beaming at an article that promises more than a cuppa rocking-over amusement.

The rules are simple at Uncyclopedia:

1. Be funny and not just stupid
2. Don’t be a dick.

The brainchild of a college student, Jonathan Huang, Uncyclopedia, launched in 2005, is a whole lot of merriment, especially on those extended after-lunch break. Har har har!

It's got some droll entries.

Read the one on Hillary Clinton to find out what I mean.

You could also check out the picture they have of George Clooney.

Quite a hoot that one is. (TOOMA* will totally agree). Hear Hear!

* TOOMA - The Object Of My Affection

Friday, February 01, 2008

Bringing in February

2008 zoomed in at its chilliest best, complete with fog, delayed airline timings, and misty breaths. And before you had even realized it, January was over, bowing out gracefully to the breezily-entering February, this time with an extra day thrown in for good luck. Love also promises to be in the air, what with a certain Saint of love making certain that Cupid-struck couples whisper sweet nothings into each other’s ears. Hear hear!

The nip in the air remains unabated though, ensuring that woollens this year cannot be bidden goodbye. At least, not yet. National Met Offices are indulging in the newest sport - a guess-when-would-Delhi-touch-zero-degrees game.

Having declared the first day of February as THE day when the temperature would hit rock-bottom, Delhiites were surprised to wake up to a sunny day. Sometimes even Met Departments don’t have the “foggiest” clue how it would be (pun intended)!

Keeping this post short. The unmistakable nip in the air is what I shall hold totally responsible for my sluggishness, and my reaching out for piping hot coffee rather than my keypad.

Brrrr. But welcome February :-)