Today morning had all the trappings of a perfect day.
It was not the first day of the week, so the perennial question of Monday Morning Blues did not arise at all.
Looked like a fulfilling day work-wise, so my ever runaway mind looked set not to do any devious escapism, and instead concentrate on the tasks at hand.
Working out at the gym looked promising too. What with me becoming quite a regular face and a diligent working-out sorts there.
To add to it, the sun had decided to dispel the fluffy white clouds, which till yesterday, threatened some gloomy rain.
Oh Oh Oh, and yes, it was a day closer to Saturday – the day when TOOMA* touches down at the Delhi airport. Yay! Yay! Yay!
The romantic number in my mind insisted on playing itself in my mind over and over again. For once, repetition wasn’t such a bad thing.
And then it happened!
The thin book that sat prettily on my lap shuddered, and fell. As I bent to pick it up, I sensed that the cab which was taking me to work-land, had decided to stop. And that too in the middle of one of Delhi’s busiest shopping areas. Torn between looking at the showrooms that seemed to be blinking their brightly-displayed doors at me, urging me to run into their all-welcoming embrace, and the immediate problem at hand, I had to opt for the latter, much to my compulsive-shopping utterly-crushed heart.
So two colleagues, sturdy men at that, and me, budding Sumo Wrestler, alighted from the vehicle, which after repeated trials by the driver, refused to do anything more than just splutter dejectedly. So while the driver resignedly sighed and started afresh to get the coughing engine to start, we, the tireless trio, proceeded to push the car.
And push we did. Huffing and puffing, we flexed those shivering muscles, pushing away as if there was no tomorrow. Onlookers grinned, their day undoubtedly made probably at seeing three formal-attired people, including a woman, panting and wheezing, all the while pushing at a monster car that refused to budge, closely resembling a woman caught on a particularly grouchy PMS day.
Within a couple of minutes, we realized that our efforts were as close to fruition as it is for a hydrophobic person to dive into the ocean, and decided instead to wait for the company transport authorities to swing into action.
Wise move, I’d say. Some parts of my powder-blue shirt were already close to a shade of gray.
Whatever it was, it was a thoroughly novel experience – pushing a car on the road, gaping onlookers and all.
One more thing crossed-out from my list of things to do this year.
* TOOMA – The Object of My Affection.
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