I’m not in the business of deciding right and wrong, cos that’s not me.
But even I was surprised last weekend, when on my way out of an upscale coffee house with my guy, I chanced to settle my eyes on a PYT (Pretty Young Thing, for you uninitiated people), who, incidentally, had also decided to cast a look at me.
Difference was – mine was one of those nonchalant looks you bestow upon people, when you are thinking of other matters, and are seeing (or rather unseeing them). That may lead the person to actually think that you are looking at them, though is someone may ask, you may have even missed that David Beckham / Gisele Bunndchen look-alike, sitting in your clear range of vision.
She, on the other hand, was definitely casting more than one of those offhand, casual looks.
In fact, I was flabbergasted when I realized that the look she was giving me was one of pure venom.
Completely knocked for a six, I could scarcely fathom what the look was for.
Out of the coffee home, I couldn’t help but remember the unmistakable poison-stare that the red-lipped-pouting girl had decided to cast upon me.
Strange is the world.
Stranger are its people, I guess.
Since I am talking of looks that people cast on others, I was just thinking of some looks that we are familiar with:
The look which a person, asking for alms, gives you when you reach out for your wallet.
The look your pet gives you when you open the front door and walk home.
The look you give to the waiter who runs behind you to return the wallet that you had absent-mindedly left behind in the restaurant that you were dining at.
The look your subordinate gives you when you cover-up for his goof-up.
The look your friends give you when you reach out for that sinful tiramisu.
Calories: 1000000000. Taste: Pure bliss.
The look your friendly neighborhood store-owner gives you when you forget to carry the exact change yet again.
The look your dad gives you when you are glued to the idiot-box when you should be in your room, finishing that pending task.
The look your five-year old niece / nephew give you when you whip out that gaily-wrapped present from your duffel bag.
The look your best friend bestows at you when you pass your favorite store, and see bold-red lettering, screaming, S-A-L-E.
The look your beloved has when he / she sets eyes upon you you, though you might have had met the day before…..
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