It is said that familiarity breeds contempt.
I respectfully disagree.
Even if I were residing in Agra, and were to walk past the Taj Mahal every day of my life, I am certain that even a fleeting glimpse of the towering white-marbled structure would be enough to take my breath away.
Upon my mother’s insistence on a girlie trip to the most romantic structure in the country, she and I made our way last weekend, bleary-eyed to the station, where a languorous locomotive would chug-chug to life, and speed us away to our intended destination. So a little over a couple of hours later, we embarked at the city that houses the spectacularly gorgeous masterpiece.
Another half hour and we stood in front of the lofty domed mausoleum. Even though it was only a little over a year since I had last seen it, I couldn’t help but stare at it, stunned the same way as I had on the previous two occasions I had seen it.
Mom was agape. Pure silence followed for the next two minutes.
The early morning sun, which had decided to beam relentlessly upon all men, was duly forgotten by us. As we walked past the impeccably-tended lawns and fountains, we couldn’t help but be staggered by the very beauty of the structure that loomed before us.
Truly a place worth visiting, it is small wonder that this universally acclaimed structure of eternal love sees a steady throng of tourists, who flock to it from all parts of the globe.
After a day well-spent in Agra, we made our way back.
I couldn’t help but think about when I would see it again...
Guess I can't get enough of it :-)
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