The dusty green leaves looked faded, crying out for rain.
The cattle on the road sat listlessly, their tails flapping to ward off pesky flies.
People from all walks of life looked up expectantly at the clear skies, hoping against hope that the fluffy white clouds would pave the way for their grey counterparts.
Their prayers were answered sooner than they thought...
A single, fat drop fell from the skies. Disbelievingly, I brushed it off as probably a figment of my imagination. Maybe it was a droplet of perspiration that had trickled down from my forehead.
The drops soon increased, till they were falling in a constant drizzling. This was no imagination – the rains had actually arrived.
Thunder and lightning, not to be outdone, also decided to make their presence felt; so there were the customary flashes and rumbling in the skies, which had within minutes, changed from a beautiful blue to an even more gorgeous grey. The afternoon looked straight form the pages of an English novel, set in their famed bleak winters.
After about ten minutes of a heavy downpour, the rains decided to go in for a more consistent drizzle. The umbrellas were all out by now in all their multi-hued splendor. Animals scuttered for cover, cars being their favored shelter. While some preferred to walk in the rains jauntily, heads held high, getting drenched like Boy Scouts out on an adventure trail, there were also the ones who walked sedately, turning up their noses at those who splashed water with their boots. These were yet some others who hung on for dear life to their umbrellas that had decided to play the role of disobedient children to the T, eagerly bent upon flying away or turning inside out thanks to the gusts that lazily moved towards them.
The divine earthy smell, coupled with the sight of children playing slushy games on the road, made me almost pine for home, where the rain Gods particularly play favorite, and visit often, much to yours truly's delight.
This rain baby can’t wait to go home...
Thank God next weekend doesn’t seem that far!
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