It’s official.
I am a certified sufferer from ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder).
So while I am in the midst of discussing the dynamics of an important project at work, I have been known to screw my nose, look quizzically around, and ask if anyone other than me could smell someone wearing Ralph Lauren Polo Sport.
Obviously, the only thing I get to see are some blank stares, and an exasperated sigh from my favorite colleague, let’s call her ‘N,’ and a nudge that signifies see-I-told-you-she-was-weird-didn’t-I?
At some other point of time, my eyes will glaze, hearing someone drone about the same crib (yet again), and then suddenly light up of their own accord. The reason – I just realized that the weekend was near, and i could indulge in some retail therapy – my absolute favorite…
Of course, fidgeting, looking into vacant spaces, pulling out my lower lip – all when someone is trying to strike a conversation with me, are fairly common features.
Now this is not to mean that I want the conversation to center on me. Nope, far from it.
Just that a feeling of inordinate restlessness slides over me, and that I get distracted a tad too soon, an annoying feature to everyone, I am sure.
So while I work upon it, and promise that I will not toss my hair around while you continue with your monologue on the rising cost of gas, it is only fair that you glance at the pretty butterfly that just glided over to those sunflowers, and also see that guy over yonder with the crooked nose…
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