With the ‘Big Bang’ experiment having begun about 4 hours back, the world and all its brother is crying over how it will could earthquakes and tsunamis, bringing us closer to Judgment Day, our Maker, apocalypse, the day of reckoning, what you will etc.
Which is why the scientists working on the experiment have been snowed under by threatening calls and visits by outraged and anxious people, who believe the entire world is jeopardised by the research.
The physicists initiated this most ambitious atom-smashing research today at 1300 hours IST at European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN). Similarities to a virtual time machine are glaringly obvious, what with the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a $10 billion and a 17-mile long particle accelerator lying in a circular tunnel, attempting to reveal how the universe came into existence 1.4 billion years ago.
While the entire world monitors the progress of this trial with growing panic and / or anxiety, there are yet others who believe that this will part the clouds for the one of the biggest mysteries for us.
The world is divided into two clear sects again.
To be continued…
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