While I don’t exactly fancy a heated spat with any frowning, strait-jacketed soul about the ethical, legal and social challenges of cloning, what I wouldn’t mind at all would be getting a clone.
So while the clone would sit poker-faced at my workstation, busily sending out official communiqués one after the other, the ‘original’ me would be out:
1. Finishing pending shopping tasks for the wedding. And boy! Are there quite a few left!
2. Watching new releases at my preferred theatre. And at home, curl up with a decaf and a season from F*R*I*E*N*D*S*
3. Going on the last few naughty dates with TOOMA before our ‘knotty’ day
4. Scouting around for bargains with best friend. And follow the motto to the ‘T’ - Shop till we both drop
5. Pampering myself to spas and other luxuriating experiences
6. Getting that long overdue haircut and start looking like my usual self. Instead of resembling a long-lost aborigine from NZ
7. Reading all the books I have bought these last few months, but never got around to reading beyond the first few pages
8. Working out at the gym. Twice. Daily. And not collapse after that
9. Getting my teeth cleaned. And flash that dazzling, pearly smile even at those people who sorely test my patience and / or are in dire need of a shrink
10. And lastly, stopping to get a breather, and smell the flowers along the way…
But here I am. Minus a clone. Holding the fort as a sole warrior.
Is there any fairness in this world?
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