With the blistering heat wave hovering revoltingly over the heads of Delhiites, anyone who heard that we were going outstation for the weekend nodded in understanding.
Until they heard the destination we were headed for.
'Jaipur???' Hearing that was enough to raise perfectly-arched eyebrows, followed by ‘Are you feakin' kiddin?’ incredulous comments and accompanying eye-popping looks.
Now our middle names are ‘Determination’ and ‘Grit,’ and it is easier to shake off a leech stuck to your uhmm B_ _ (spoiler – rhymes with previous word) than to shake our resolve, so when Saturday morning dawned bright, clear, and sunny (Oh yes, sunniest), we set our for the Pink City.
Four hours later and after numerous toll-tax paying breaks, TOOMA and I drove into an otherwise beautiful city, had we been able to see it under all that dust, that is.
The wedding was beautiful though, and was probably the only consolation. Besides the picturesque highway, dotted with lazily ambling camels, cattle, and the odd elephant.
The riot of colors on prominent display, and the song-and-dance routine that is de-rigueur at Indian marriages, more than made up for the heat that had done its bit in roasting us, making us look like the BBBB (Badly Burnt Baked Beans) I am famous for tossing up.
But in retrospect, the trip was memorable.
After all, the first outstation road trip you share with your better half, always is...
(Image - The heritage haveli we stayed at)
Cudnt stop myself from asking.... can you please elaborate.... why????? After all, the first outstation road trip you share with your better half, always is...u know how naive I am...
Naïve? And you?
Let me first digest that bit.
And oh yeah, the first road trip you go on with your better half is memorable. Hell Yes! Ask me. I should know ;-)
But then, I won’t tell all…
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