A good friend won a spanking new car yesterday.
In a lucky draw, no less.
I, on the other hand, am the current promoter of the ‘I’ll-never-win-anything-at-the-lottery/raffle/lucky-draw-club.' Come to think of it, I probably will land up as chairing it too, considering my dry spell.
People try to console me that they haven’t won anything super-cool themselves. But what can explain this good friend in another city who has a home filled with consumer durables? So what, you may ask? Heck – all these durables are items she has won in raffles and lucky draws...
So while I religiously scribble out my digits onto some random form at some dim, red-lanterned Chinese restobar, glug the occasional ‘clear’ soft drink, or the lime and lemony variation, buy ice creams by the dozen, think where all I would roam if I were to win the sleek SUV they showed in the promos, look longingly at the fun destinations that are a slogan away, scratch my talons on some scratch card, the only thing I end up with are a hundred mini-explosions in my head – as my mind has roamed a tad too far.
I do have those two moments of living vicariously through some person who I feel, got cherry picked, for some serendipitous prize, or worse a fun getaway. But the feeling subsides all too soon, and gets replaced by a ‘Why-couldn’t-it-have-been-me’ melancholy. Of course, the very next lucky dip ‘draws’ me soon, and all is forgotten, giving way to a sense of perky euphoria.
There are some times when I do win the occasional Housie / Bingo, a couple of hundreds making their way into my pocket, but the greedy lil’ pig I am, I’d probably toss my hair and wrinkle up my nose at anything less than winning at the Vegas Wheel of Fortune slot machines.
That is me.
Willing to be proven otherwise that it is not my cosmic lot in life to be unlucky...
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