A little over seven hours ago, a number of women walked into our already flooded-with-pink workplace (thanks to a communiqué that went out on Friday requesting women to dress in pink) - the occasion being International Women’s Day.
Despite some fiercely independent-thinking women (me included) who pooh-poohed this conditioned reinforcing of feminine roles and gender-specific color coding pattern, most (me included again) sportingly donned their brightest pinks, spunkingly embracing this oneness of womanhood. So shades of pink – cherry blossom, fuchsia, magenta, salmon pink, rose, pale pink, carnation pink, hot pink – all sailed through the walls of our Organization. Two girls, dressed in - what else - pink, handed single light-pink rose buds to all women employees. And thus the day began….
To add a nice, ‘rosy’ touch (pun intended), Kathryn Bigelow, fortune’s favorite girl these days, walked away with top honors for ‘The Hurt Locker’ at the 82nd Academy Awards in LA today. She’s the first woman to win in both the Best Director and Best Picture category. What must have made this victory taste sweeter undoubtedly would have been the feeling of pipping her ex-husband, five-times married James Cameron, whose larger-than-life (literally), visually stunning epic, Avatar, was nominated in both categories.
Continuing upon this band of sorority, I’d like to make a mention today of those incredible women who’ve touched my life in more ways than one. They’ve been my soul sisters – among them you’ll find a generous sprinkling of doe-eyed candygirls, tantrum-throwing divas, Miss Congenialities, the witty ones, the patient listeners, the beauty advisors, the agony aunts, the bitch-fest champions, the goofy girls, the sunshine sisters who can make the most long-faced person smile, the garrulous and the reticent.
They are unstoppable. They are my friends.
Mum – for her unconditional love. For being the bee of my flower. And the smile on those yellow smileys. That drollness doesn’t hurt. Neither does the ability to be my closest confidant
Liku – for proving that sisters are the best of best of friends. And no matter how far they may, Graham Bell’s invention sure comes in handy during those de-stressing sessions, which miraculously are more gratifying than a whole bar of Lindt
And now, in alphabetical order…
Apoorva – for being the cuddly, gentle sheep that I’ve bulldozed on so many occasions. Thank you for Baa-ing, oops, Being there (and now I need a place to hide. Quick!)
Asha – for proving that an over 20 year difference does not come in the way of true friendship. Or for bingeing on chocolate avalanches and frothy Frappes with swirling ice-creams. Or for discussions upon every topic under the sun. Hats off to this real woman of substance incorporated
Darshita – for being the bratty younger sibling who makes me see red on many an occasion. But wisens up soon enough and is back to being the adorable kid she is, and earns herself a page in my (variable) good books
Jaya and Natasha – for being the lovely mother-daughter duo who shower me with fond affection. And a liberal dose of whiplashing for not traveling to meet them more frequently
Gargi – for being an infinite source of books for me on the days I needed to read the most and shut the world outside. And for staying awake even during the coldest of winter nights to listen me out
Madhur Di – for proving that a sister-in-law is fun personified. How else can you explain those countless hours shopping, gossiping, bingeing and those blink-and-you’ll-miss-them guilt moments?
Neha J – for making me a gentler, calmer person from the wild thing I was in college. And for making me a less superficial person from those days I prefer to call bygones…
Neha M – for driving me every year towards my dream of writing professionally. As well as driving me nuts every time I think of her level headedness and how much I could benefit from the same
Niharika – for proving that not all 19-year old somethings are giddy-headed. Some can actually give advice. A hell lot of it. Which you oughn’t to pass up
Nivedita – for proving that you can have friends at work. Who will stand by you through thick and thin (quite literally)
Padma – for being the official in-command of things – be it making online movie ticket purchases, stirring the morning tea after a nightover, driving sloshed souls to their homes, the works. You know you are in good hands there. Except when she subjects you to her scathing tongue. In which case, you are finished. God bless you!
Prachi and Sushma – for re-emerging, stronger than ever, even though they may have done the disappearing-off-the-horizon act – yet again. Some people don’t change, but at least they are somewhere lurking in one corner. And thank God for that
Priti – for being the loving sister-in-law she is. And for bearing my brother. Patience is a virtue, they say. And she has oodles of it
Pooja – for gleefully calling me unladylike names when she knows I am at work and have no option but to hear her out, my ears burning. And for being smart enough to not picking my phone when she is at her workplace, knowing that I’ve called only to settle scores
Radhika – for her impeccable style, wicked sense of humor and no-holds barred free-style counseling sessions. God knows how many fashion faux pas she and I have rolled our eyes at – at malls, in resto-bars, while buying popcorn at theaters. She puts the C in Chic. Causing many a woman to cast cold looks of pure venom at her
Raina – for proving that being a recent mother will have absolutely no effects on slowing her down. A rebel, her sense of adventure unfailingly makes people raise their eyebrows. As if she cares too hoots for ‘em dumbfounded looks
Rashmi – for proving that distance does make the heart grow fonder and warmer. Even if the distance is as significant as being in cold Glasgow
Ruchika – my best of best of best friends. For putting up with me over all these years. For refusing to judge me. For providing me with never-seen-before insights. For knocking sense (literally) into my thick head. For being my closest confidant, partner in crime, agony aunt – all rolled in one. Good things come in small packages. And I sure got lucky!
Sharmishta – for being an endless source of joy. Just hearing the cheerfulness in her voice over the phone is enough to give me a nice, warm, fuzzy feeling
Shital – for proving that sometimes people come in your life for a reason. In her case, to do wonders for my already-bloated ego
Smitha – for being the sporting ‘butt’ of all jokes. And for grinning from ear to ear when it’s payback time. And for pinching me unnoticed to an unobservant eye, for added measure. Thank God I'm thick-skinned...
Sohiny – for being style personified, for her uncanny ability to put everything into impeccable verse, and for making me feel ancient, what with being called Grandma by her. For proving that not all people in the fashion industry are narcissistic. Some blossom into mature individuals who will patiently hold the receiver all night while you pour hot gossip or inconsolable howls and sobs into it
Surabhi – for being the Mother Goose who fusses over her brood (not that they mind). She sure knows how to ease all your troubles, cook you your favorite meal, sing you a hauntingly-sweet melody, and tuck you into a warm bed. And for added measure, even give you a Good Night hug. She’s sure to make the man she marries very very happy
Sushma – for being a sole reminder that there are Good Samaritans everywhere in the world. You just have to find them.
Titir – for being a willing partner in impromptu shopping sprees, movie viewings, and trips. Not to mention, giving me enough reins to enjoy my free ego trips, sans guilt. But to also bring me back to ground reality with equal elan
And last, but not the least,
Honorary mention –
Faiz and
For being themselves. (And now I surely am dead. Got a place for me to hide? )