It was heartening to see the numerous kites that dotted the sky the entire day this Sunday. Even some of those people, the ones who call themselves uber-busy, took time out to fly those gaily-colored creations, and were joined as one in one ritualistic celebration of our country’s Independence Day.
While the evening looked overcast and not very conducive to kite flying, the multitude of accommodating clouds showered promptly, leaving souls like hubby and me raring to jump onto the infectious bandwagon.
The necessary purchases had already been done the same afternoon, and after the mandatory medical tapes on our right thumbs and index fingers, we were ready to roll.
Out came our first warrior – a kite bearing the three colours of the Indian Tiranga. The wind languorously built up, as if indirectly cheering us to give kite-flying a shot.
And gave it a shot we did indeed.
In a span of less than an hour – we passed through various emotions…
Delight when the kite first rose in the air – not like a skillful eagle soaring smugly in the azure skies, but more like a staggering fledgling, trying to take wing.
Some teething problems, but soon our kite, tail firmly in place, was rubbing shoulders with the best of them all - the Chinese lantern ones, the butterfly-hued ones, the bow kites, the ostentatious ones - you name it...
The initial euphoria soon gave way to nail-biting apprehension when other kites steered dangerously towards ours.
Relief spread over our expectant faces when we were able to veer away from the treacherously close kites.
A collective sigh of cheer went up again and triumphant / gloating looks and hurrays arose in unison upon our kite getting the better of another kite, and that kite slowly making its descent towards the earth.
Disappointment set in and we sucked in groans of distress when a neighbor’s kite got the better of ours, and our ‘conquered’ kite descended in spiraling slow-mo towards the ground.
However a mutual feeling of joy was also somewhere in the horizon, for having tried and flown, and given wings to those kites, even if only for a short while.
Cos’ that’s what kites are meant for – to fly.
As we are meant for - to take a shot at everything...even if after trying, we return bruised and battered, to familiar territory - terra firma.
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