As you take that bending slope on your way to a hill station, taking pleasure in the wind puffing lightly on your face, you are inclined to let the accelerator slide.
It is then that you see that hoarding looking up at you authoritatively, compelling you to stop.
And stop you do.
You have to.
There’s no two ways about it.
That is N, at least for me.
His full-throated laughter was what first drew me to him.
I didn’t admit it to him then, but it was I who had asked someone to ask him to come and share a ciggie with us. Since I was too proud to go up to someone myself and ask to share a smoke.
(When I eventually made a clean breast, I heard no end from him, and had to contend with endless leg-pulling…)
An entire fortnight passed, and good sense didn’t prevail upon us to exchange numbers, and use Graham Bell’s invention.
When I look back, I go, “Gosh! Could it get any more lame than that?”
The smokes soon extended to exchanging mints, coffee dates, and the occasional beer.
The phone conversations grew longer in duration…
My scowls would give way to sunny Cheshire cat grins when I would hear his reassuring voice (which I must admit, sounds downright hot as hell in the mornings).
Eat your hearts out – his number aint coming your way. Anytime soon.
Ok, make that, Never!
Add chocolate brown liquid eyes, an absolutely mischievous grin, and you get the complete picture, right?
Ohh, and I forgot to mention that he always smells divine (blame that potent bottle of Polo for that)…
I’ve re-christened him time and again. He’s countered, and my monikers have ranged from rustic Rajasthani ones, to the occasional eye-popping Haryanvis, to the positively funny Bihari ones.
He’s gallantly fed me forkfuls between his own bites, held doors (and my heart) for me.
The most mundane of topics become super-interesting when I’m discussing them with him.
Though some (especially the kinds where two girl-colleges are pitted with each other) can lead to sour tempers and tongues…
His jokes are like double-edges swords – while they can usually make you go into hoots of hysterical laughter, every now and then, they can also make you want to pull out all your hair.
And ohhh, the times I’ve goofed up with him.
I remember how on one occasion, I thought that the mole a lil above his eyebrows was some black mark, and I tried to scratch it off, much to his bewilderment, and later visible vexation.
I’ve driven him up the wall on more occasions that I would want to recall, on account of my atrocious memory. I marvel at his patience, and when I do marvel too much, that is the time he decides to alternate between sighing resignation and a slight outburst.
I’ve also done my bit in driving him crazy with my incessant questions-popping, a habit, I am happy to say, I am not gonna nurture.
A self-confessed lover of Yo-China, he is also not averse to his share of popcorn and Corona.
Playing pool with his best bud is a highlight for him; almost as much as it is for me to look longingly at the calendar and count the days till he touches home-turf.
Quite the Nostradamus, he has the uncanny ability to analyze any situation at hand, cut through the mire to its very essence, and give me a candid bird’s eye view and the future prospects of any situ. However, me, the mule that I frequently am, gleefully refuse to lissen to him then.
But the next day or week, with red face smarting, I have to bite my lower lip and come clean that his verdict / solution was the one that mattered, held true, and was the best one.
Eat crow is what I do then. Humbly...
I like the ease with which he connects with all – though he hardly calls himself congenial / affable, I’d like to think he is.
I also admire the way he can set the ball rolling, and bring any situ towards its intended accomplishment.
I think of myself as lackadaisical sometimes; he galvanizes me snap into action on account of his infectious commitment and passion that he displays and which goes into whatever he chooses to do at that moment.
What I need to learn from him is his ability to not get affected or changed by the obvious inconsistency or frivolous judgment of others. (He’s still light years ahead of me, and I have SOME catching up to do…)
I take pride in the way he races on the tracks even when the last spectator has left and the last light has been dimmed because he keeps personal scorecards and the race isn’t over till his heart says so.
What I like a lot about him is that he never convinces anyone that he is right – that is probably the most miserable way to start a discussion. Consensus is not the end, conciliation is.
Even if I try to do the occasional Houdini, he uncannily figures the state of my mind.
He’s crooned numerous karaokes – be it in his car, or a watering hole; joined quite a few times by me. The reluctant singer, who is fast blossoming :)
I took it to another level altogether, going live on a popular radio channel, dedicating the over-one-hour show to him.
I’m not sure what feelings he went through at that point of time, but I’m guessing, they were any / or all of these: surprise, bashfulness, embarrassment, amusement, and maybe the odd touched feeling….
The tea that he makes is one of the most divine I have ever tasted – and it is not an acquired taste – it is absolutely flavorsome. The flavor remains the same, however many times he may make it, much to my wonder, and his amusement…
My very own Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung rolled into one, he gives me some of the most soul-baring, and bang-on advice.
We have laughed over inane jokes, read each others’ horoscopes, pulled each others’ legs randomly, played assorted (cartoon) games online (at which he always comes sunny side up, however hard I try). But I’m not complaining – I give in to him with a goofy-look-plastered-all-over-my-face.
Coffee is not just a beverage for me when I am with it – it’s a bond…
His rendition of Joey (of F*R*I*E*N*D*S fame) will dispel the clouds for you, even on the most murky of days.
When I rest my head on his shoulders, all my fretting peter out..….
Lastly, there is something about the way he can hold a cigarette, and speak with you earnestly.
Bowling you over.
I should know...(sheepish grin).
They say, smoking is injurious.
In my case, it was positively of assistance - it introduced me to the guy whom I love to distraction……