Of course, it's a fact that everyone wants to wreck their car(s).
Want to sabotage yours?
Simple. Take your home keys, and drag it across the sides, ensuring that the entire front to back gets equally scraped. Then step back, wipe the perspiration off your brow, and enjoy the admirable vandalism you have committed.
Too extreme for you? Chicken, eh?
Then look no further than decal vinyl stickers, all the rage these days, and freely available at stores worldwide.
Taking the world of customising cars by storm. To a new high altogether.
Of course, this is what every car owner wants – giving the impression that he is a badass gangster whose 4 x 4 has been riddled by bullets from a .50 or a .20, isn't it?
And oh boy! Is this fad popular! You bet! How else in the world would you explain the 4 cars that zipped past me last week, their exteriors proudly emblazoned with these 100% vinyl stickers, the hot wheels looking as if they have had more than their share of gunshots?
They look so real that unless you touch them, you wouldn't be able to tell them apart from, let's say, the real deal at the unfortunate Jallianwala Bagh wall.
Ingenious? No other word comes close to it...
Psst – can't locate a store? Fear not. Place an order online. There are a horde of websites who will only be too happy to assist you in making you look like a lame Alphaghetto. Go ahead – it isn't tacky or lame at all - Bullet1, Bullet Hole Decals, oh come on, even Prank Place has them.
Now admit it - isn't that exactly the kind of uniqueness and trendy fashion you were looking for in the first place? (Cheshire cat grin)
TOOMA* was visibly horrified to see a Safari whizzing past his own plain vanilla Accent, rolling his eyes at what he claimed was an 'eyesore.' Being his ever-wise gurl, I woke him up to the entire 'chic fashion statment' theory, exlaining that this was exactly what I called flaunting the 'right' 'With-It,' and with that, we let the subject drift to other light topics.
An enterprising poll on one such site asks readers to adjudge if applying decals that look like Bullet Holes to their cars, sends across a bad message promoting violence, or if it's cool? I voted for the former (as did 23.5% who agreed with me), but the remaining whopping 76.3% stated it looked cool and was for fun.
I mean, Foolish ol’ me! I should have had gone along with the safety in numbers theory. Duh!
That the website is dedicated in remembrance of the 9/11 attack could only be a mere coincidence, isn't it?
These guys are pure genius, I tell you.
As are those who buy these oh-so-in-vogue stickers.
Want to order some stickers for your bike / pair of wheels? Go right ahead.
My admiring glance is sure to follow you even seconds after you whiz by...
*TOOMA - The Object Of My Affection
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