With 2008 speeding away, I thought I would do a volte-face.
So this time, instead of sticking up at nose at New Year Resolutions, I decided to make a few to hold on to in the coming year.
Only time would tell if I have set myself up for failure. Or if success does come in my stride...
In no particular order (or implementation due date), hear them out.
In 2009, I will:
Not roll my eyes or look condescendingly when people don’t understand a joke that I just cracked
Stop wearing too much makeup. Only some gloss, mascara, and maybe a liner, and I should be ready to roll
Learn how to drive. And cook. A car and food respectively. Instead of driving people up the wall and cooking sarcastic comments
Get a French Connection. And not by ordering French bread. Learn the language
Eat less junk food. And exercise. And get into a couple of sizes smaller jeans(Difficulty level – Highest. Multiplied by 10)
Not song binge. Instead of listening to the same song over and over again, I will change the track. Or the CD
Keep my room clean. Instead of it looking like a mix between a pigsty and something the rats broke into
Participate in this year’s marathon
Stop eating Maggi for dinner. On a regular basis. Smack my lips and gulp down some dal instead
Stop buying yet more facewashes that I don’t use. Or creams. Or clips. Or nail enamels. Or mints. Or chewing gums. Or wet face tissues...
Not cuss loudly when some bugger’s cell phone blares the latest Bollywood track in the theatre. Will just prettily show him the middle finger. Or cast a murderous look. Might work better
Stop being a scrapdealer and give away old magazines, clothes, makeup, and footwear I have hoarded over time
Not burst into laughter when I see a person walk by me, wearing something in neon green. Or anything that has all the colours of the rainbow. Or who looks like a bejewelled Christmas tree
Improve my memory. And not forget people’s names. It’s embarrassing
Write more letters to my Mother
Watch at least some TV. So that when people discuss what’s playing on air, I can throw in a word or two. Instead of blinking rapidly / scratching my head / smiling blankly. Or worse – moving away from them to a corner
Not become a shrieking idiot even when anyone says that my college may not be the absolute best, contrary to what I think
Be open to criticism. Instead of pretending that it’s alright, but sulk later in my room
Make more trips. Physical ones. Not ego trips
Look TOOMA straight in the eyes, cup his face in my palms, and utter those three words on a more regular basis. And see him melt…
Buy a white T-shirt. Instead of yet another black one
Watch Godfather. And Rambo. And Rocky. And Pirates of the Caribbean. And Lord of the Rings. Bourne series. All parts
Whiten my teeth
Take more leaves from work. And sleep at home
Learn to accept that not every lustworthy shoe / bag / perfume is for me
Watch all movies starring George Clooney. Mmmmmm....
Not wear un-ironed clothes and look like a ragpicker. Will pick up the darn steam-iron, and iron them
Not average more than one perfume in 3 months. And stick to it
Read more
Not fight with people close to me
Learn a new language (optional). Other than monkey-speak, that is
Text less over the phone. Ditto for mindless yapping (Difficulty Level – High)
Wear the two Levis caps I bought. And sock any of my friends who giggle when I do
Not tell the same stories at get-togethers. Or the same stale jokes
Buy a camera. And shoot the world
Not show all my pearlies by breaking into a Cheshire cat grin everytime someone clicks my pic. It’s perfectly alright not to show all 32 of them in every pic
Not bite my nails. Long nails look classier. Besides looking pretty when painted. Period
Be less bitchy. And less superficial
Get regular trims. Instead of cribbing about split ends
Kill every mosquito that buzzes near me
Not leave a job unless I complete at least a year and a half there. Which means that this year I am not changing my job
I will not pet every dog who wags his tail at me
Shed weight. And keep it off
Save money
Stick to my having kicked the butt
Drink less alcohol
Not wait till 4 o’clock on weekends to take a shower
Not pretend to listen to boring stories when I can barely keep my eyes open. Will yawn and snore. Or politely move away
Learn Excel and PowerPoint. And learn them Goddamned well
And lastly,
Keep blogging
Tough ones indeed...
crumpled clothes and pancaked face?
Very interesting.
Tooma is a dog?
Nope, TOOMA is an acronym for The Object Of My Affection. My fiance :)
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