Akin to a dragon who is spewing orangey-ginger flames, almost singing your hair – such feels the breath of people who breathe down your neck. Metaphorically speaking, of course.
And boy! Isn’t it wildly annoying?!
Irrelevant of whether a boss does it to you, making you feel like the most-wanted-criminal-who-just-got-caught-and-must-now-be-escorted-to-the-gallows; or a nosy Parker who edges closer to you at a party to look down your ermm…twin assets; to the person elbowing you exasperatingly while you stand in line at a relatively-uncrowded multiplex to purchase tickets to the new flick that is playing – most of us have been there, i.e. been at the receiving end of such excruciating torture, an inordinate urge to skin, or better still, strangle the life out of that creep.
But we don’t.
Instead we shuffle our feet awkwardly, hoping the infuriating dolt gets the hint. Or give a sheepish, watery smile, and take two paces backwards, hoping he would follow suit. Fat chance! Even if you do move two spaces rearward, he would walk two spaces – FORWARD.
Making you grit your teeth in sheer frustration.
Quite some time back, I ticked-off a woman at work who would stand too close for comfort, almost breathing down my neck – making me feel extremely uncomfortable, and crotchety. Not only did she invade my personal space but she also brought me within arm’s length (pun intended) to that demon who can read one’s soul. So while she would talk to me with a soul-stare, I would shuffle my feet awkwardly, invoking all the Gods from above to bring the blessed conversation to an end.
The ticking-off went off worse than anticipated. She was clueless about the existence of such a phrase as ‘personal space.’ Accused me of being a mean, icy-hearted woman. And topped it all off with a teary-eyed outburst.
I ran as fast as my feet could.
It goes without saying that that was the last day she talked to me (and Thank God for that).
Wish life were as simple as ticking off a person.
At the unrivalled way I can tell off people, my life would definitely be the least bumpy.
Interesting post must say..I was waiting for almost a week to hear something from you.
Definitely I agree with this thought. I really hate such darn people who try intrude/invade into my "PERSONAL SPACE"
There have been several incidents where I have felt like this too. And such people are mostly found at the " WORKPLACE"
So have'nt ya come across that woman again ? Is'nt strange that you working in d same office and who are not talking to her..Really wanna understand how to manage and handle such people...M curious to know what happened post your running away from her..And how and wat was her reaction den and later on....LOL ;-)
P.S. For people who dont know the meaning of Personal Space..Here u go
"Roughly defined as a one foot radius around a person. It can only be entered by close friends, family members, significant others, etc. You know when you're in a person's personal space. You can sense it! "
Keep Writing,Keep Smiling , Cheers :-)
I changed jobs, you see;-)
By the by, who are you? Care to put a name to your anonymity?
Hmm...Thats great ;-) I kept wondering how she wud have faced u and vice-versa
What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet.
William Shakespeare, "Romeo and Juliet"
Love to read your posts...You write really well...Must say Awesome :-)
Keep Writing and Keep Smiling :-)
A rose by any other name smells as sweet but you, I have grave doubts ;-)
Point to be noted - I might not publish future anonymous comments
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