Looking back at my loooong list of Resolutions that I’d laid down for this year, I can safely say I haven’t fared all that badly.
For one, I learnt how to drive – not into a ditch or into the pair of wheels ahead – but reasonably well. Cooking however still remains to be an area of skill I haven’t been too ‘driven’ towards.
I also got married – not that it was on my list of Resolutions. But since that is the single most extraordinarily life-altering thing that I’ve done to date, I thought I ought to give it a worthy mention here...
Grew my nails. Finally! They were long at the wedding. Ha!
Didn’t change my job. How’s that for longevity and commitment!
Exercised – tick. Went a step further – despite everyone’s surprise, pleated with shock – went ahead and participated in this time’s Marathon. Now that is one huge tick!
Didn’t exactly give up junk food, but yeah – those days of being surrounded by takeaway food menus are a thing of the past, I can safely say. Maggi too – an eternal dinner companion, has graciously stepped aside from a daily to a weekly / fortnightly treat….
I also decided that variety was the name of the game – and have deigned to download new songs instead of song-bingeing on the same Metallica numbers (though it is to be noted that they are still by far the best of the lot).
Knocked down the sarcasm factor a teeny-weeny bit, and went ahead to do my share in letting people smile rather than making them hang their heads in mute shame…Tee hee…couldn’t resist the last bit.
Now makeup –that needs to be knocked down a tad. But we’re getting there, aren’t we..? Perfumes – a total of 6 luxury fumes bought this year – that doesn’t even average into one per month. So I’m thumping my tail wildly with joy…Haven’t ODed on facewashes, clips, nail enamels, or wet face wipes. Creams and gum – uhmmm – getting there, getting there! Have some patience!
Didn’t’ learn French. Or any other language for that matter. Did visit France though. Broke bread there. Broke into sighs at the stores on Champs Elysees. Tasted their super wine. Fell in love with the place. They don’t call it the most romantic / fashionable place in the world for nothing! Paris – I’m coming back again – for sure…
Post-marriage, our room, while it won’t make the cut in an edition of the ‘Spic and Span’ magazine, will not get a mention in the ‘Piggiest of them all’ either. So that’s good…
Wore the caps I’ve been meaning to wear for quite sometime. Despite the amused look that TOOMA gives me each time I don one. Of course, it helped that till a couple of days back, I was in chilly Shimla - where everyone wears caps...
Other things I’ve been good at:
- Haven’t cussed rude people in a while. Supremely ignored the crass souls.
- Just smile benignly when anyone comments upon another girl college being better than my own. God bless ignorance!
- Now give my previous Cosmo issues away…much to the delight of P, our household help.
-Get ready post-shower in under ten minutes.
- Don’t guffaw uncontrollably at people who look dressed for a Punjabi wedding, even though they are at a mall.
- Watched quite a few good moves with TOOMA…And embarrassed him by repeating corny dialogues, thankfully in private, much to his relief.
- Completely stopped wearing wrinkled, un-ironed clothes. God bless P…
- Reduced my chances of being the top contender at who-texted-the-most-in-2009 contest. No regrets!
- Learnt new jokes. Shared them too.
- Didn’t relapse into being a chimney.
- Took my name off from the most-likely-to-be-put-into-therapy-for-whining list (remove ‘h’ from the underlined word)
- Learnt Excel. All those pivots, importing, conditional formatting, etc suddenly look less intimidating..
- Shot pictures – more than a plentiful share.
- And lastly – kept to what I love – Blogging!
Things I’ve not been so good at:
- Sending pictures to my Mum is not the same as writing letters to her. Will ensure that I write to her too…
- Improving my memory. Three words – my memory sucks! Clueless how to better it. Have been popping almonds and olives for quite a while now.
- Watching TV. While this would probably be on the things not to do list of people, for me, it should be on my to-do list. At least sometimes. There are some pretty good things they show nowadays, besides the tears-stained-cheeked soap actresses and starlets in dragging reality shows.
- Still haven’t gone around to getting a white Tee. Someday. Someday…
For 2010, the Resolutions are just a handful:
1. Learn a language or a musical instrument
2. Visit a place with five letters
3. Go Camping / for another all girl’s trip
4. Learn how to cook. Nothing fancy. No elaborate seven course meal. Simple fare would do. Thank you
5. Stick to a budget
6. Be less grumpy
7. Get an annual check-up with TOOMA
8. Conquer an unmentionable fear
9. De-stress at a spa once a quarter
10. Switch jobs
Let’s see how I fare this coming year. Happy New Year everyone!
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