Sample this:
Person 1 - ‘Ohh, I’m glad to hear he was able to come and sort out the issue at your place. Good friends are hard to come by. Does he stay someplace nearby?’
Person 2 – ‘Yeah, he stays right on my backside.’
Person 1 (Chuckling) (All this while, thinking of the abovementioned friend, who probably had a certificate course in glue-management under his smart belt...What else could explain how he was always around him, much like a Siamese twin, joined at the much touted rear)– ‘Ermm, Uhmmm, well, nevermind.’
The chuckling would invariably offend the first friend, who would, in all certainty – either glare or stare blankly, completely oblivious to the fact how his behind had become the butt of a joke. Pun intended!
He is not alone – he’s joined by many others, who unwittingly pass an innocuous remark, often causing the listener(s) to dissolve into unrestrained mirth. Such are the ways of this world – wherein merrily-spirited people will chuckle, guffaw, jab fingers unkindly, wipe streams of tears while clutching their bellies – all the while at the expense of a poor chap who has innocently committed a verbal gaffe...
Take for instance, quite some time back, a sedate lady caused me endless hilarity when she stated solemnly how her aunt was paralyzed, a criminal from the waist down. The poor soul most probably meant crippled, and was aghast when I stuffed a tissue into my mouth to stifle my laughter.
I’m guessing she won’t be speaking with me ever again.
A week back, I was speaking with a group who had only unkind things to say about our country. A gentleman in his late thirties even commented how we would have been better off had the British continued their rule.
I retorted that such confirmed Anglophiles should leave the country and seek citizenship in England, munch on cookies and sing Long Live the Queen.
He turned an apoplectic purple – if looks could kill, I would have dropped dead instantaneously.
He started a vitriolic attack against me, emphatically stating that he was not an Anglophile, how could I have had called him such a lowly thing (?), and all horrid Anglophiles along the likes of a tainted King of Pop should be chained, caned and given the Electric chair.
In a minute, my face contorted into a broad Cheshire cat grin – the guy was talking of the other Phile – Paedophile. That explained his caustic rage at me.
Shaking my head, and suppressing a smile, I promised myself that I would speak the simplest words with him in the future.
“He is the very pineapple of success.”(Deliberate pause by speaker to receive a round of applause).
However, he was mildly surprised that his oft-spoken line did not meet with loud clapping; what was even more unsettling was that some people in the audience were smirking.
Gosh-in a split second, he realized that he had used a malapropism for “pinnacle.”
That explained the snide remarks and sly nudges...
I was mildly alarmed, when a well-meaning friend’s wife admired the delicate pendulum (pendant) around my neck.
Yet another acquaintance, after several minutes of my careful explaining of a particular procedure to her, announced dramatically, her hands high up in the air, "It is beyond my apprehension (comprehension)!"
A co-worker on a Project was left rather red-faced when he pointed out that he preferred doing both phases of the project simultaneously, as he wanted to paralyze the project.
Imagine my face when I was seeking reassurance from a chap, asking him if he would get the job done – and he, a picture of confidence, asked me not to worry, adding that the job would be done – after all, he was very remorseful (resourceful)...
My trust in him was slightly shaken, to say the least!
A person who I know slightly, once told me that upon his death, he wanted me to write his tributary in the newspaper.
He was most hurt to see me smiling.
I had to do my utmost to reassure him that I would be shattered if he were to die, but I would definitely write a glowing obituary for him.
I once met this earringed-spiked-haired-student, who announced to me that he was most keen on studying in the US of A.
Upon my casual asking, if he would be seeking a scholarship / funding, he was quick to reply that he came from a very effluent (affluent)family…
Needless to say, I almost passed out…
There are funnier examples, for instance, once, while talking about surnames and nee names, this 20-something girl chirped that her mother’s mating(maiden) name was Choudhary.
I bet the mother would not have been very pleased with her daughter’s candor…
Another time, a bloke had me scratching my head, when he declared that his density lay in becoming a singer. It took me all of a minute to realize that he meant destiny, and that I was not that dense.
A spinster, in her late thirties, once told me that she felt like a social piranha (pariah), because of her unmarried status.
She thought I was tremendously rude, when instead of tut-tutting sympathetically, I shot her a look of pure glee.
The look that she gave me was however, pure venom...
At the gym, the other day, a lady was conversing with another in the locker room, how she preferred working out than swimming for dietary reasons – because when she swam, she'd invariably return vanished(?) (famished), and could almost eat a horse…
The last one definitely takes the cake...
Imagine that you are deeply immersed in your work, and this apologetic-faced person comes up to you, and starts off breathlessly, “Pardon me for protruding (intruding)...”
I guessing you will relapse (collapse) in a fit of laughter…
1 comment:
absolutely... i almost passed on my chair unable to lift up... you sure have teanie meanie streak in you which make ppl feel so elated after an illuminated (enlightened)conversation with you
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