While 2010 was not the year when my mind exploded with clever ideas that would have the world’s VCs tripping over each other to reach to me - arms laden with blank cheques, solitaires, keys to swanky penthouses and automobiles; it was a year which changed my world. I did develop some mental agility (which balanced my physical inertia that came with a horrid leg fracture. Sigh).
With 2011 just a knock away, I guess it’s time to jot the obligatory musings about the year that went by. This of course meant fishing out last year’s reflections and a mental ticker that pronounced me as having been good or bad. I'm in one of my generous moods, so you decide...
Did quite a bit of traveling. In the following order:
Went for a Girl’s Trip. To Jaipur. Had a fantastic time too. The weather was also at its courteous best, ensuring that those annoying beads of perspiration didn’t drown those around us.
Visited what I consider the most beautiful place on this planet – Venice. Floated in a gondola in the middle of the Grand Canal. Stuffed our faces with gelatos in every flavor under the sun. Gorged on raviolis, risottos, gnocchis, tiramisu, pasta, spaghetti, lasagna, brioches, cannoli and of course pizzas. Loved their Bellini, Campari and Merlot. Kept eyes peeled for Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie (accompanied by Brad Pitt and their brood) who were shooting for ‘The Tourist” there.
Level of Excitement – at the highest notch
End Result – No luck. (Include fair amount of justifiable cussing)
Did the mandatory tick-in-the-box for moda paradiso (fashion paradise) - Milan, Murano & Burano Islands and Amsterdam too. But broke my leg at the last place mentioned (another resolution, perhaps? To not be an eager beaver and let my (over)excitement lead to mishaps like these...)
Frolicked on the Bondi beach in Sydney. Downed a few, surrounded by the golden sand. Surrendered to the divine IMAX experience with the latest Harry Potter.
Did switch jobs. Liking it too (Cheshire Cat grin)
Conquered a fear. Tick. Can get onto any escalator now. Unaccompanied. Kindly abstain from shaking your pretty lil heads in disbelief. Yes, I did have a phobia of escalators. Now conquered. You might as well do an air high-five for me…
Cooked a bit (in all truth, baked). 6 cakes to be precise. All turned out well, thank you (before you may ask). Now that’s getting somewhere, isn’t it? Who knows – I might just surprise hubby dearest with a full meal someday...Hope the shock’s not too big for him though...
Did stick to a budget. Managed reasonably well too.
(Loud Drumroll)
Wasn’t as grumpy as I thought I’d be . Especially since was bedridden for the better part of 1.5 months.
De-stressed a lot – with the help of (un)forgettable Kerala spas, play sessions with our Labrador, and bubble-popping games. Didn’t resort too much to a workout (and there are obviously no results thanks to that slackness)
So what makes it to my to-do list for 2011? Here’s for starters:
• Be able to touch my toes. For this, working out at least five times a week is crucial
• Drink more water (even without rum)
• Work on my attention span. Right now, even a fly is probably better than me
• Finish at least some of the books I started
• Make people laugh. While I am no Court Jester, I can do stir up the amusement quotient and cause people to clutch their stomachs
• Learn a language. Instead of staring at and stammering a hasty ‘Comment dites-vous cela en Français’ (how do you say this in French) to a toffee-nosed Mademoiselle
• Learn how to strum. High time that I do before age catches up with me and my hands start to tremble
• Shake up my leniency and make ‘far-too-easily-pleased’ spirit go away on vacation.
• Visit at least two dream destinations. Knock on wood
• Buy a bicycle. Use it too instead of just taking it out for dusting every month
• This is a joint resolution with the hubby - do a lot more socializing – go for more dinner parties and not pass up social invitations
• Use the array of hair and skin products that I have diligently amassed over the last one year
• Stop eating out of boredom
• Keep my (strong) opinions to myself. Well, at least sometimes
• Stop hitting the snooze button on weekends and wake up at the first go
• Not check my emails every 5 minutes
• Continue writing a weekly blog post
• Stop sitting in the house on weekends in my old, faded tracks or skirt. Shower and be dressed respectably
• Resist the urge to fascinate people with oooooold jokes. Learn a few new ones
• Resist the urge to pick up the phone and have an imaginary conversation, while seated in an auto in a traffic intersection. Look right into the eyes of the panhandler / eunuch and refuse to handout money
• Think of more interesting things to do outside the house during weekend evenings than stepping into one of the numerous coffee bars that have mushroomed across the city
• And lastly, as a dear friend put it - I should consistently pen the manuscript of my first book. Someday I will. Someday I surely will, D. And thanks for your confidence in me...
Hope I fare well in the coming year. Happy New 2010, everyone…
By the way, do you have any Resolutions you'd like to share? I'd lurrrve to hear from you...
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