I love bubble wrap.
So much so that if a friend were to unwrap some new, fragile item, my hands automatically outstretch greedily for the accompanying bubble wrap.
And darn those packages that arrive unaccompanied by it. Heights of cheapness!
If it happens to be those sunny days when I DO get my hands on one of ‘em, I am like a kitten with a yarn of wool.
Having a ball!
Playfully popping the bubbles, not too rapidly though, for fear that I might finish them all too soon.
I was introduced to this goofy, cathartic fun by my mother. Many thanks to her.
My brother and I spent many mindless hours collectively, popping rows upon rows of bubbles, each soft, pleasing ‘POP’ sound making us dissolve into giggles of barely-concealed glee, much to my Dad’s annoyance, who would arch his eyebrow into his trademark, disapproving glare, making us squeal and run away elsewhere…
Once, I even ran a toy jeep on a roll of bubble wrap. Ahhhh, the blissful sound is still fresh in my ears...
It was always the same scene at home – new packages were flung, and with wild, banshee yells, my brother and I would make a beeline for the coveted bubbles.
Lots of pulling and not very kind shoving would be at display.
Upon tearing the wretched sheet into two, and casting baleful looks at the one who got the bigger share, he and I would set about work.
Anybody who would see us would probably think we were two children busily unwrapping all our Christmas presents on a frosty Christmas morning.
After all the bubbles had been popped, I would commence with a round of re-checking, making sure that I hadn’t left even one. And look slyly to see if my brother was:
a) Left with any unpopped ones
b) Looking my way, and in case not, if it was feasible to grab his half-popped sheet and dash to the loo?
(In the event of the latter happening, a lot of door rapping would take place, with one of us two looking rather sorry with a black eye...No points for guessing who usually slunk around the house like a peeved, glum-faced puppy)!
After all these years, the novelty hasn’t worn off.
I hear I’m not the only one addicted to it – the Japanese seem to be particularly fond of it too, calling popping the bubble wrap ‘puchipuchi,’ games dedicated to it, puchipuchi keychains that simulate the popping sound, aromatic bubble wrap that releases fragrance upon getting popped, music dedicated to bubble wrap..the works…
And people call me dotty!
An online version wherein you can pop bubble wrap is also available. Check it out here.
There's more - there is an entire day dedicated to appreciating Bubble Wrap - January 28...Not too far away, isn’t it?
It’s also suddenly dawned upon me why my friends never call me over for packing or unpacking...
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