A lot of my friends say that I make many references to only one blonde – a certain heiress of luxury hotels.
While there have been news of another blonde who recently tried taking her life post a bald pate(and depression – in that order), and yet another one of them(a buxom one, this) shouting off the rooftops that she’s more than game for a stirring relationship, this blog post is about none of these.
I’m referring to a 20-something Hollywood actress who shares the same mane-color like the above mentioned ladies, and has a penchant for letting loose a stream of unparliamentary language.
While the lady in question apologized till she was blue in the face, and quite a few psychologists sympathized with her truly pitiable classic case of Tourette’s Syndrome; the unforgiving press is unlikely to forget, forgive and move on in a hurry.
This situation is not unlike what we see everyday around us.
To cite an instance, a speeding car bumps into another. Though the damage may be next to none, both the drivers are sure to indulge in a volley of cussing and swear words, besides proudly displaying their respective middle fingers, almost like war trophies.
Colorful words are abundant even in the tamest of situations, and one would probably hear them roll off freely, both the mouths of adolescents as well as their more senior (and seemingly mature) counterparts.
Women too are not to be left behind; now I am no prude, but yes, it does sound a lil jarring to hear profanities being delivered effortlessly from the so-called gentler sex, delivered with aplomb, all the while maintaining a cool-as-a-cucumber face.
A few choice abuses have made their way into the vocabulary of endearments too. Two bosom pals meet after ages; they will liberally intersperse their salutations with colorful phrases. Case in question, “hey, you @#$%!^&*, where the friggin hell have you been, man / chick?” and then exchange hugs / hi-fives with such carefree abandon that one would think that they had never dropped one profanity.
Such cases leave me clueless as to whether the recipients of such abuses are supposed to keep stoic faces / grin genially / take major offence.
Tricky one that.
What’s your say?
1 comment:
I guess we have somehow spoilt our languages and made way for yankee slangs or ghaati words to seep in. I am in no position to complain as all of us do that, and I do that too. It is not that we cant do without them but what f*** man! he he, sorry but had to say. this is a nice blog vandana, seriously
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