Now I like cars. A lot.
I mean, who doesn’t?
But what really peeves me are the weird soft toys that have of late started making their presence felt in the space behind the back seats of almost every third car that zips along.
You know what’s worse? They are not limited to your average teddy bears / cuddly dogs / golliwogs / pixies.
I bet you might not have read as many fairy tales in your childhood, as see the plethora of fairy tale / Disney / Brothers Grimm characters that cast glassy looks at you (if you happen to be the unfortunate person behind a car that “boasts” of such unique decoration devices).
Glass-slippered Cinderella , Virtuous Snow White (complete with her ever-obliging seven dwarfs), the in-quest-of-a-lip-lock frog prince, nimble-fingered Geppetto and his mendacious marionette, Pinocchio, bow-legged, doe-eyed deer- Bambi, glass-slippered Cinderella, the quintessentially-young-refusing-to-grow-up Peter Pan , crooked pirate Captain Cook, slumbering Sleeping Beauty, Goldilocks, and the other raven-haired Rapunzel, Mousey Mickey Mouse, Daffy duck, jumpy Jiminy Cricket, the-bear-with-a-penchant-for-speaking-in-verse Yogi bear, Charlie Brown, Tom Thumb – you name it, the stuffed toy will be there somewhere in one of your regular Archies galleries. Blech.
Though some people do go in rapturous “Oooooooooooooooohs” and "Oooh cho-chweets"(the kinds that are doubtlessly going to leave me with Type II diabetes)upon seeing these “cuddlies” (shudder!), I fall in the latter category that feels instantly repelled after catching even one glimpse of their stuffed faces, and often feel like
a) ripping them with my trusty pair of scissors
b) guffawing openly on the faces of their owners
c) cringing
d) all of the above.
Goodness gracious – is that really Snow White, complete with her ever-obliging seven dwarfs in the back of that Civic? The beady eyes are on you for a second, before thankfully, the silver auto speeds along. Gosh – what was the owner thinking?
I don’t think I’d ever understand. Would you?
1 comment:
I don't understand either...what was smday a nice-to-have-toys-in-car-for-your-kids is a everyone-has-one-so-i-would-have-one-too phenomenon........One more reason why I like SUVs(they hv lesser prob of finding S-Toys), ofcourse being on driver seat is much more fun than following.
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