BFF (Best Female Friend) gifted me a spa experience yesterday on my birthday
Oh boy! Was it invigorating!
The two hours that we spent there, slipped by wayyyyyy too soon, leaving us glaring at our watches and the clock that tick-tocked its existence on the wooden wall. The experience definitely 'clocked' its one-of-those-defining-moments-one though......
So after trotting into the visually appealing building, we were led to a tastefully done up reception area. BFF had done her homework, and after the friendly receptionist checked our appointment time, we were ushered into a subtly-lit room, our trademark heels having been traded for the more appropriate heavily-padded carpet slippers.
Lounge chairs were neatly arranged for us. After the two-minute foot cleansing and drying ritual, two lovely metal flat basins appeared as if by magic, full almost to the brim with water, rose and lotus petals floating lazily on the surface.
And when we dipped our feet into that water that was at just the right temperature, a delicious toe-curling moment it was. Sheer bliss…
What followed next is what would have made TOOMA* go into raptures.
We were led into another wood-paneled, wood-floored area where two comfy barcaloungers were spread invitingly for us. BFF and I needed no second bidding.
Ohhh heaven! No wonder Joey and Chandler (of F*R*I*E*N*D*S* fame) were so attached to their respective recliners. The barcaloungers spelled comfort with a Capital ‘C.’ I’m definitely getting one of those one day, but that is another story…
The foot massage started – all physical strain looked set to evaporate, what with the heady dose of massage, the smell of jasmine joss sticks wafting towards us, the soporific air conditioning (just right again), and the pleasing-to-the-ear Oriental instrumental music
After an hour of one of the most stress-relieving foot massages I had ever received, it was time to change and make our way to the massage room.
Shiatsu was what followed next – the traditional Japanese hands-on acupressure therapy cum massage. An indescribable sense of calm prevailed in the air, and BFF and I were almost lulled into sleep. Our two Oriental masseuse’s fingers deftly wove our pressure spots, releasing the strain within, and leaving in its trail a most exquisite feeling of serenity…
The hour passed too soon, and we were loath to open our eyes, and wake up after that…
However, wake up we had to, and had to also make our way outside, where it was raining pitter-patter…
Oh unfair world!
And damn those clocks and watches that make lovely hours like these pass so soon…
*TOOMA: The Object of My Affection
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