The heart is always at the heart of attention, the face facing an acceptable due on most days, hands clap and call out unashamedly for attention, shoulders have shouldered a fair amount of importance-quotient, the chest heaves with a singular life of its own, heck, face it – even the legs have legged it out on the popularity charts...
Leaving us to
turn our backs on one of the most neglected parts of the human anatomy – the back.
Unless of course you are cursed with a weak back thanks to some injury, and do not want to aggravate the pain further, in which case you are confined to a life of back strengthening exercises and fingers pressing at the point where the groans come most from...
While the back is one of the hottest parts of a person’s body, it is relegated colloquially, denoting a less than positive connotation – be it in terms of
turning one’s back on someone, stabbing someone in the back, backing off, delivering a back-handed compliment, have your back against the wall, like water off a duck’s back. My weight is like
a monkey on my back. And by not giving it some serious thinking-over, I am just
making a rod for my own back. And if I someday, I make my way into a glitzy mall and fail to find clothes my side, well, what can I say – that it will be
the straw that breaks the camel’s back.And no, TOOMA* is certainly not going to give me a
pat on my back…he is magnanimous with me, but he would also certainly not
give me the shirt off his back...The beauty industry - that sparkling, glittering, dazzling industry – has also
taken a back seat with the back. So while you have pretty models paid mini-fortunes to do the rub-a-dub-dub routine by way of cleansing-toning-moisturizing, in various print and on-air commercials, the same sadly cannot be said about the back, which currently seems
to be on the back burner.
We do need more celebs along the lines of Rihanna, Angelina Jolie, Megan Foxx, Christina Ricci, who are celebrated for their backs, besides the obvious, and bands like 50 Cents that have bought
Sexy Back (Sorry Timberlake).
In all these years, not that I am a fan of the idiot box, I don’t recall a single advert which celebrate the back...
Maybe it’s high time they did.
Are Estee Lauder, Shiseido, Chambor, Ann Sui, Elizabeth Arden sitting up and taking note?
Closer home, is Lakme listening?
*TOOMA - The Object Of My Affection