Was reading a while back about a "hugging" guy in Washington D.C., 34-year old Jon Clark, who hugs people twice a month there.
And seems like he fares pretty well.
Inspired loosely by Richard Mann's Freehugs site, which set-off the free hugs campaign, Jon holds a sign announcing "Free Hugs," and does a fine job in bridging social gaps by his novel gesture. At least one out of every ten passersby stops to be hugged by him.
Quite a few people are not averse to getting an impromptu hug from a stranger, it seems.
Though it seems to be working in the US, I wonder if such a thing would in our country.
Some people might get creeped-out, getting hugged by a random stranger.
The proponents of free hugs campaigns here could get ostracized; there would be many who would readily smirk and scoff behind their backs(or even on their faces).
Terms along the lines of perverts, corny, and absurd might do the rounds more regularly than rounds of beer at plush watering holes.
And after all, what with the rate of moral policing we have in the country, it wouldn't take too long a while for saffron-robed fundamentalists(oops, loyalists) to raise a hue and cry about obscenity, going-against-our-rich-heritage-and-tradition tales, "westernization" of the country, etc.
Tut tut.
See the original Free hugs campaign video below.
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