In a country where cricket and Bollywood are the two presiding religions, it comes as no surprise that its denizens would devote themselves utterly to worshipping their reigning deities. And when it happens to be the legendary Amitabh Bachan’s birthday, as is the case today, it becomes one huge jamboree.
While the most-known face of Indian cinema spent a low-key birthday, things were not as quiet in his place of birth, Allahabad, where fans thronged the banks of the Ganges, to offer prayers and to perform rituals for his wellbeing. and continued success at the Box Office.
TOOMA* has been doing a great job the entire day, making me walk down memory lane, doing damn neat renditions of unforgettable dialogues spouted by tinsel town’s most famous icon, the towring one who boasts of his now signature booming baritone, and who ironically, before he embarked on his stupendously-successful silver-screen journey, was turned down by a radio channel for a news announcer. Bet they must be gnashing their teeth in dismay till today!!
Hearing those dialogues delivered by an adept-at-them TOOMA, transported me to many, many years back, when I would wait impatiently for countdown shows, Sunday cartoons, Street Hawk, Knight Rider, The World This Week, Oshin, and oh yes! – the blockbuster Amitabh-not-to-be-missed-for-words-homework-be-damned flick on Saturday nights, when all my Dad would do was pop his head into the room, and ask my bro and me when we would turn the blimey idiot box off, and call it a day, much to our chagrin and / or visible vexation!
The screen idol continues to rule the roost even today. Though a lot many people poke fun at him, calling him undiscerning on account of the spate of his movies that bombed at the BO, and his face peeping out from every hoarding on the highway, every advertisement on the boob tube from mouth fresheners to Marutis, and every magazine / newspaper across the globe, his popularity continues to soar, crowning him as the undisputed “Baadshah” of all there is to conquer, and making those very same scoffing / disdainful people bite their lower lips, duly humbled and chastened. Time has stood still for this ageless luminary (calling him a star would be an insult), who continues to enjoy the same adulation as 25 years ago, when the entire nation to a standstill upon his near-fatal accident while shooting for a movie, and who flocked in hordes to offer their prayers for his speedy convalescence. Hourly bulletins, a first for national channels, were flicked continuously. Hymns were chanted. Temples saw all-time high visits. His unabated fame and glory gives credence to the fact that stars may come and go. But legends go on forever.
Cheers to the not so young and not so angry silver-bearded man, as he smiles genially, gracefully turns 65 today. May he enjoy unabated endorsements, continued success at the Box Office, and an etched impression in the minds of all.
The last I’m dead sure about.
After all,
Don ko bhulaana mushkil hi nahin, naamumkin hai...
*TOOMA - The Object of My Affection
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