It’s that time of the year again.
When apples remind you of bobbing for apples (not that the game has caught on in our country; but you never know, some surprises might just leap out soon), and throwing of an apple, peeled in one strip, over one’s shoulder (a practice favored by many maidens to know the initial of their to-be spouse).
When candies are the most-preferred sweets.
When black and orange are the predominant colors for the day.
When shops offering costumes on sale/rent, see sky-high demands, often jostling with each other to offer you that too-good-to-refuse deal. Buy one vampire mask. Get the Frankenstein monster one FREE. Offer open till stocks last.
When pumpkins are carved (a tedious chore, let me tell you; as yours truly found one day, many years ago, and which I should add, was an utterly unsuccessful cum messy attempt, much to my disappointment, and Mom’s understandable relief). $%^&&*@!
It’s Halloween, folks.
Good friend, working at a company known for its creative ambience, made a call, asking if I would like to “grace” her official party, as a witch / vampire / ghoul / goblin / zombie / bat, no less. We shared some happy chuckles over how both of us needn’t even dress in witchy black robes or top-hats, and would yet be able to totally succeed with the impersonation.
However, good times were not to be, and I soon had to return to the dreary land of work and more work! All thoughts of Halloween banished into the background.
Well, almost…..
To be rekindled this time next year.
Now if only I could wield my trusty magic wand and set so many things right....
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