Seems like there is more to Russia than Glasnost, Perestroika, a certain leggy blonde tennis player, that drink most often sipped with orange juice – vodka, caviar, space programs, and Faberge eggs. Whoa! Looking back, that was quite a list.
But I’m afraid, I am deviating from the main story.
Three days back, Russian Former World Chess champion, Garry Kasparov, was elected as a Presidential candidate, slated to run for Russian President in March 2008.
Discussion with TOOMA* last night brought up interesting revelations. He likened the game of chess to a long-drawn out political battle, where one opponent goes all out to overwhelm the other. I liked the analogy.
With Kasparov having played chess since the age of 6, this 44-year old sure is one seasoned “player.” Despite not having been in the political arena for long (he joined in 2005), his entry does bring back memories of how, in the 1980s, he was considered to have the “gall” to play opposite the undisputed chess champion, Anatoly Karpov, and more importantly, making him (Karpov) relinquish his much-coveted title. All the while making it seem like a piece of cake.
Now it’s time for us to wait and watch if Kasparov plays a neat round of checkmating Putin, whom he refers to as a “dictator.”
I just hope it doesn’t end in a stalemate.
* TOOMA : The Object of My Affection.
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