In a survey conducted recently, the results of which were declared, the following are the most popular websites. See which ones you already frequent, and check out the ones you haven't till now, like I did.
1. Apple Movie Trailers: Apple's official Quicktime Movie Trailer page with the newest and preview release trailers.
2. Blogger: weblog publishing system owned by Google since 2003.
3. Craiglist: centralized network of online urban communities, featuring free classified advertisements and forums sorted by various topics.
4. Drudge Report: popular U.S.-based news website run by Matt Drudge. The site consists primarily of links to stories from the US and international mainstream media about politics, entertainment, and various current events as well as links to many popular columnists.
5. Factcheck: monitors the factual accuracy of what is said by major US political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews, and news releases.
6. Flickr: photo sharing website and web services suite, and an online community platform.
7. HowStuffWorks: website dedicated to explaining the way many things work.
8. Lifehacker: advertising-supported weblog about life hacks and software; covers Microsoft Windows, Mac and Linux programs as well as time-saving tips and tricks.
9. Museum of Modern Art: provides information on current and upcoming art, film and media, and online exhibitions.
10. Netflix: largest online DVD rental service, offering flat rate rental-by-mail to customers in the United States.
11. National Public Radio: internationally acclaimed producer and distributor of noncommercial news, talk, and entertainment programming.
12. Rotten Tomatoes: reviews and previews of movies, videos, DVDs, and video games from print, online, and broadcast critics.
13. Shopzilla: buy the best products at the lowest prices by using Shopzilla, the shopping search engine with smart price comparison and intelligent professional reviews.
14. The Onion: America’s most loved parody newspaper, published weekly in print and online.
15. Technorati: searches weblogs by keyword and for links. Also provides news from general news services and blogs.
16. Television Without Pity: website that provides detailed recaps of certain television dramas and reality TV shows, often by mocking them, as well as forums in which members can discuss a myriad of television related topics.
17. The Smoking Gun: large collection of public documents on crimes, celebrities, politicians, and the FBI.
18. Internet Movie Database: online database of information about actors, films, television shows, television stars, video games and production crew personnel.
19. Zappos.com: the Web’s most popular shoe store.
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