It is strange how when a woman is trying to carry out her assigned role(s) of responsibility she is straightaway termed an "iron woman," "ruthless, "wearing the pants in her house," "a cold-hearted, ambitious b****," or plain "bossy."
On the flip side, even when a man is being out and out peremptory and Hector-like, he is considered a leader au naturel, and said to be performing his responsibility
It's so goddamned partisan.
A woman who is speeding in the corporate race, is automatically character-assassinated if she meets people over a friendly bottle of scotch(Pssst-you know what? I saw that floozie guzzling two straight pegs on the rocks with that Chairman. I bet she's up to no good. Giggle. Smirk. Wink Wink). Even a harmless coffee does more harm than good to her. A beer-bellied man on the other hand, downing pints as if there's no tomorrow - Oh - he's just gathering some useful,top-notch business info. The scotch just comes in handy to loosen him up. After all, he's had a rough day, poor chap. He deserves his Budweiser. He's earned it, damn you!
A woman who is open about her life / relationship / views is a hussy, who doesn't know the
virtues of keeping her trap shut; a man who does so, is obviously a candid and transparent man. God bless the honest soul!
A woman who cannot(or won't) cook, is termed unnatural, unwomanly, and too hoity-toity. I mean, isn't cooking synonymous with all womankind, right? Now I agree, that cooking is a survival trait-almost like driving and swimming, but hey, if someone doesn't cook doesn't make her less of a woman. Or does it? In the same breath, a man who cooks(or at least tries to put the cheese, bread, butter, and ketchup together) is one whiz-kid, and whatever he whips up to eat, is nothing short of a culinary delight. And no woman who eats his
gourmet offering, better forget that in a hurry(Burp).
If a woman has slapped someone, she is made out to be a screeching cat with red-drawn-out-talons, a battle-axe who is too big for her own boots; if a man is involved in a fisticuff, he is after all a man, one of the boys, showing his dash for derring-do. And probably, who knows, maybe the buggers deserved this
male (it's always masculine) specimen of daring, to show them who's the man in control. Biff! Thud! Smack! (Swooning women abound naturally at this
heroic display of courage).
A woman who abuses is obviously the worst kind possible. Who knows what other foul things she may be up to (shudder)? After all, aren't all women supposed to be these giggling, tittering, eyelashes-fluttering, quiet(better still, silent), dainty, paragons of beauty? A man, on the other hand, who constantly peppers his language with colorful vocabulary , is just speaking his mind. And giving vent to some justified anger / just letting off steam.
It's all so convenient being a man. No wonder, they call it a man's world.
Do you think it's fair?
Are you shaking your head in dissent or nodding your approval?